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So, I guess the Holy Bible is not the Word of God? Guess there are several others also? Is that right?
I know the Jews have their Books/Scrolls, but their religion is not the Christian Faith, so their Books/Scrolls, while useful Historically, are not part of the Holy Bible the Christian Faith uses to learn of God.
Now, that may just be me, but, if a person rejects Jesus Christ, I'm kinda gonna reject their books on their religion too.........seems only fair.
You have a perfect point. But try this... what if I told you Jews follow the NT better than most Christians, yet most Orthodox Jews have never opened or even touched a NT. They are more like Yeshua than anyone else. Want an example?
a) Take Shabbat: Every pastor or preachers teach believers to become like the "family in acts". Francis Chan has a whole series dedicated to this very point. It is as if preachers are pleading for people just to be a family (which they should be naturally).
Now take Jews on Shabbat. Do you know that a Jew could fly ANYWHERE in the world and if there is a Jewish community around on Shabbat, they not only will be invited, there will be a feast waiting in anticipation on Friday night, bed ready and all the laws of Shabbat kept very well (Orthodox Jews anyways). For over, because Jews are so well knit and united, they will meet for the first time, yet act like they have been brothers for centuries! Because they read, breathe, eat and study the same Torah and follow the same laws and Jews are so interconnected that name any Jew and they are somehow related to you. Even further...ALL NIGHT IS SINGING PSALMS AND READING TORAH!!!

Literally all night and all day on Saturday until Havdalah. No Jew needs to be taught this.
Makes sense because in the book of Acts, the time of Pentecost = Shavuot (Pente = 5 cost = 10 --> 50 days in Greek) (Shavuot is 7 weeks of 7 and of course the 50th day is next) and this is 3 of the Pilgrimage festivals that Jews MUST be in Jerusalem together. That is why Jews were all in the room together that day in Acts.
b) Do you know it is a biblical law (and of course it must be done in love) that a Jew CANNOT charge interest on a loan to a fellow Jew? Not only that, but if a Sabbath Year (Shmita) comes, if the Jew you loaned too cannot pay his debt, you are to erase that debt without asking for anything? Imagine if every Christian did that in church for I barely see loonies being tossed in the baskets on Sunday's, let alone everyone handing out loans to one another. Isn't that true and brotherly love? The exact love Yeshua desired?
c) Look at the IDF (Israeli Defense Force): and that amazing moral standards they hold...FOR THEIR ENEMIES...they call their enemies before they attack, they provide hospitality to their enemies andddd they integrate them in their society and even their army! LOL. Yeshua said love your enemy....yup...the IDF is even recognized by seculars on it's amazing morality.
*My point is, anyone, can open their mouth and say, "I believe in Jesus" and their actions are so poor that James would say, "faith without works is DEAD". What does that mean? You can be in the place where people profess to "know" Jesus and be his followers, but that does not equate to living up to what Yeshua commanded. So just like Paul said, the Jews are 1st, just like Yeshua said, "listen to those who sit in the seat of Moshe...just don't do what they (the hypocrites) do" (Matt 23:1-3).
The Jewish literature may not have "Yeshua's" name inscribed all over their books, but if you read them for one minute, you would see that they not only align word for word with the NT and Yeshua's statements (because literally most of Yeshua's words are all announced well before his time either by Moshe, other prophets or Hillel his Rabbi as a child) but they make the NT MORE ALIVE! I understand Yeshua 100x more because of the Torah and the Talmud.
I'll give you a biblical hint in what Christian Theology is (not the people necessarily). Read the story of Yosef/Joseph and even in English you will see the similarities of Joseph and Yeshua. In Judaism one of the two comings of the Messiah is "Mashiach Ben Yosef" and Mashiach Ben David. What does that mean? That in these comings, the Mashiach will live a similar life style as Yosef/Joseph or David. We clearly know from the NT there are 2 comings of Yeshua and we are on the verge of the 2nd, but we can only know more of the 2nd coming, if we examine the 1st and if you study'll see more of what I am saying!
G-d's gems are everywhere!!! "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on EVERY Word that came out of the MOUTH of G-d" (Yeshua restating Moshe when he received the Torah...)