Hey all,
I seem to never be on the same page with other Christians when it comes to LGBT issues. I see it as a disgusting sin that brings judgment upon the nations that accept its practice.
I'm always get accused of being judgemental, they say hate the sin not the sinner. However, I want no part of it, I cannot stand to know anyone who is LGBT. When in contact with them and despite becoming purely disgusted and very uncomfortable, I do treat them with respect just like any other person.
They see it as it's just like other sins, agreed, sin is still sin. But, this sin is praised and accepted throughout nations, practiced in communities, and accepted in churches. Would you praise a drunkard? Fight for rapist rights? Fly a flag supporting pedophiles? everyone sins, but no one should glorify it and it is against God's word.
Marrage was instituted by God in Genesis, It existed before the fall of man in the garden.
God created man in his image, and then he said it's not good for him to be alone and created him a help-meet she was called woman because she was created from Adams rib.
Then the 2 became 1 and that's the reason a man and woman should leave their parents and become one.
It's a sacred institution between a man and a woman For companionship and growing closer to God.
Marriage is like the trinity of God, The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
In a marriage it's God, The husband and the Wife. Well it should be anyway, I think most people enter into marriage forgetting that God is supposed to be a part of it.
The reason for one man and one woman. It doesn't cause gender confusion.
the children have an example of a man and how he is supposed to be, and an example of a woman and how she is supposed to be.
They learn how to establish relationships and how to treat someone of the opposite gender by watching how mom and dad act together. You really can't have a complete family with a single parent. That's why its so important for people to consider the consequences of their actions before entering a relationship.
You notice also the rolls, Adam worked in the garden tilling the ground, The husband is responsible for the provision of his family. The Physical Provision, Eve took an apple when she saw it was good to eat... although she was tricked by the serpent and lead to the fall of the creation.
It demonstrates that she is responsible for taking care of her family in the home.
Here is the difference between men and women, Men are physically minded, Women are spiritually minded.
Men have habits tended to sports and fighting, and winning trophies. It's their nature because God created them to work outside the home and look after providing for their families.
Women are Spiritually minded, the do the cooking and sewing, Not because they enjoy the work, but because they know their family is taken care of and that their work is appreciate by their family.
When a man wants intimacy he wants to get laid, when a woman wants intimacy, she wants to connect on a spiritual level with her husband and her family, to know she is loved and appreciated.
As for transgenders, it's simply a descision they make, it could be because they choose to rebel against God, or they come from broken homes and didn't have a roll model to show them how someone of their gender is supposed to be. It might even stem from a long history of abuse that they never dealt with and the post traumatic stress is catching up with them.
Hope this helps.