To everyone who reads this, after the unveiling of the decades of abuse by hundreds of priests in Pennsylvania, my position is all the more firmly entrenched.
The fact that sin exists is not an excuse. If it were, we shouldn't have any laws, because people are gonna steal anyway. No. Sin may exist, but we're called to curb it at every opportunity. I no longer simply want prayer, I want action.
I know what I'm about to say may sound unrealistic, but I don't care if it is. It needs to be said, to at least offer food for thought. And it seems I'm the only one bold enough to suggest it, because I have the benefit of never having been in a romantic relationship. We must not allow our "hearts" to cloud our heads. The heart is dangerous and deceitful. We need to stop choosing feelings over facts. Facts do not care about feelings.
I think we need to cure the disease rather than just treating the symptoms. For too long we've just been treating the symptoms. Sex and sexuality is too much of a cancer to allow to exist. Whether or not it wasn't originally meant to be used in such terrible, evil ways is irrelevant. The more I hear of stories such as the one in Pennsylvania, the more convicted and convinced I am.
I know what I'm saying may sound unrealistic and improbable. But I don't care. We need to put aside our own selfish ambitions and wants. Without sex and the sex drive, there would be no porn, no molesting of children, no abuse of adults, no need for human trafficking, no unwanted pregnancies, no STDs, no broken hearts and broken relationships. We would have a more peaceful and civilized society rather than one that acts like animals.
You can't tell me that every one of those things is not terrible. I will not buy it for one second. No matter how many people may say, and no matter how much the Bible may say about sex being a good thing, the fact is, we won't be having sex in heaven. So clearly, God thinks of it as a problem as well. He takes sexual sin and crimes gravely seriously. They attack the spirit, soul, and body, all at once.
If there ever comes a drug that suppresses the sex drive, I will be all for advocating for its wide, mandatory use. You may say, "But we wouldn't be able to have intimacy without it." We don't need sex or the sex drive to have intimacy. Asexual people prove it. Not to mention, the only practical use of sex is for reproduction. But now that we have the option of in-vitro fertilization, we really don't need sex anymore.
You can call me radical and crazy, but I'm not the one who had to learn all these things the hard way. I'm willing to see the world not as how I want it to be, but how it really is: cold, cruel, ruthless, hostile, unforgiving, and unmerciful. We can't trust our feelings when it comes to things like this. It's time for us to grow up. Sex is not a right.
If I'm the only one who thinks this, so be it. It at least feels good to get out, even if no one agrees.