If I was God and my kid decided to go there, I would definitely think that my kid had a mental problem, Or some other issue. But being God who can do anything, and especially a loving merciful God, I would just heal that kid. It wouldn't even be questionable. Any God that would cast his own child into eternal punishment is a evil God. Period. Not gonna happen. : )
You really should think that through.
Wow so God has to conform to your judgment and morality? I'm sorry but you don't get to do that, you don't get to just declare "if God's like this He is evil". I'm sorry but the arrogance of this comment was a bit much to me. God is just, He is also infinite in all His attributes, so His standard of justice is just as big in scope as His love and mercy are. There is only one logical way that these 3 attributes can exist together and save men. The cross and the sacrifice of the sinless lamb of God. None of these make God evil, when a man is saved God is glorified in His mercy, when a man is guilty God is glorified in His perfect justice, for you to declare that if God punishes wickedness, He is evil just does not make any sense to me at all. I also am not saying you can't have and/or share your opinions, it's just absolute moral judgements on the character of God like that come off way harsh and unbelievably arrogant to me, even though that was not your intention I'm sure. You say " Any God that would cast his own child into eternal punishment is a evil God. Period." I agree, good thing that's not the case with the true God. God brought this child into the world and was rejected by the child, He then took His time and taught us right from wrong with the law and the promise of redemption, then He actually took on human flesh, stepped into time and space and condemned sin in the flesh. He then laid down His life, took the full wrath of God due to us for our transgressions so that we might believe and take the free gift of reconciliation with Him. He could do any more to save us from our ignorant rebellion. This is not just "god casting His children in the fire", He had done EVERYTHING to keep us from that, in love He says "Come.", so I feel your whole point is based on a false view of who God is and is totally ignoring everything else but your feelings. . Just because you can't stomach the natural consequences of sin does not make God evil for punishing it.