For the life of the flesh is in the blood . . . When looking at the bloodline in a family, if they do not have a son, the blood line dies, e.g. no son to carry on the family name. So, the son carries the bloodline not the daughter. Jesus is said to be the "Son of David" but he did not actually come from the blood line of David except by Mary - Mary was the vessel God used to place the "perfect seed" that would be Jesus. If Jesus had a "human nature" as in "all have sinned", he would not have been acceptable as the "lamb without spot or blemish" to sacrifice for our sins. Did Jesus have the capability to sin? Yes, he could have been like Adam and NOT obeyed but in all things when he was tempted - he remained without spot or blemish. In that respect he was made like us - being able to be tempted - yet did not sin - so he knows what it is like to be tempted.
Repost: From post #276 Adam was created from the dust of the ground - no male "seed" was passed to him. Just as no male "seed" was attributed to Jesus. God placed the "perfect seed" in the womb of Mary so that Jesus would be born without the sin nature of every other human since the fall of Adam. Jesus was the "genetic equivalent" to the first "son of God", Adam (Luke 3:38)
Because of Adam’s sin and its consequences, only the death penalty would satisfy true justice. "Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness [of sin]." (Hebrews 9:22) In the Old Testament, it was the death of unblemished lambs and other animals that God allowed to temporarily cover His people’s sins (Heb. 10:1-14). These sacrifices were foreshadows, or types, of the coming Redeemer, Jesus Christ. He is the true “Lamb of God” whose blood was shed to take away the sin of the world (John 1:29).
Repost: From post #279 Satan didn't have a "nature to sin" - the temptation to be like God and he sinned . . . Adam didn't have a "nature to sin" - the temptation "ye shall not truly die" and he sinned . . . Jesus didn't have a "nature to sin" was tempted in all points (Hebrews 4:15) just as we are tempted yet he remained sinless - It's called "CHOICE" - obey or not obey.