I wanted to ask a question about calvinism,do you believe that whosoever will believe means that whosover Is predestined to be saved has the opportunity to say yes and everyone else loved darkness and are predestined to go to lake of fire?
I will answer, because you asked so nicely. This does not mean you have to agree with me, or I am shoving my beliefs into you. This is just me answering because you asked, and I happen to be Reformed.
"Whosoever will believe" is three words in a larger verse. It is three words in a larger sentence. It is three words in something Jesus was saying to someone who asked, "What must I do to be born again?" So, if Jesus said more than three words to answer that question, it stands to reason there is more to the answer than just those three words.
And he did say more than those three words. And he even went on to explain those particular three words. He went on to tell what the response was to all people to those three words. He told us we would not believe because we enjoy our darkness to keep our sins. We hate the light.
I hate liver. I am free to choose liver, but since I hate it, I'll have a consistent answer to that question when posed to me. "No thanks."
Keep pushing the liver on me, and it stops being a polite answer. I'll get nasty.
Likewise, we had a choice between the darkness and the light. Leave it to ourselves, and darkness wins. We like darkness, so why would we choose light? And get pushy about the light, we will get nasty about it.
So, yes. We really could choose. We always could choose. Would it have been fair if we couldn't?
So we won't go to the light. How else are we getting into something we chose to avoid at all cost? By God!
Read it in context. Finish it at verse 21. (Finish it after that too, but that's all the further I got to that response Jesus gave the man.) And notice, that's exactly what Jesus did say. We had choice, but we chose the darkness. The light was carried/wrought by the Father.
And he made all the difference. Not our choice. His choice! Our choice was Hell.