i dont feel like i was lying when i said that
or falsely accusing you
but at this moment you actually seem to be very open and genuine
im sorry ben
im willing to forget everything
drop it
and start fresh
i wont bring up any past comments about you and
please do not try to be passive aggressive or bait me
but how can you say you believe we are saved by grace through faith
then add works as requirements?
scripture clearly tells us not to do this
And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.
I am willing to forget everything so far also.
I believe that it is by grace that you are saved. That is a true statement. But Paul also says in 20 different scriptures that we have to be furnished with all good works. So if good works has nothing to do with salvation, why even bring up the words 'good works'? If everything is guaranteed, why talk about 'good works' ever in the bible.
If all you have to do is believe and you are guaranteed eternal life, why do anything?
In fact Jesus does not use the verbiage 'by grace are you saved'. His verbiage is more centered around good works. He did not sit around like a buddha and think all day, he was out and about preaching, and healing, and feeding, and comforting, and testifying. His days were full of good works.
Yes, Jesus did say, if you believe in me, you will have eternal life. But he was not kidding around about 'if you believe'. In his parable of the vine, he states an astounding doctrine. He says that "those braches IN ME (which are those who are saved) that produce little fruit (as a result of little or no good works) will be taken away by God, the Father of Jesus.
If SE was a real deal the saved would not have to worry about bringing in the fruit, and would not be worried about being taken away.
So Jesus, in this parable says there is no SE.
So when Jesus says if you believe in me, that means, he is expecting you to do as he did, or as he says, if you love me, keep my commandments. Come follow me. That does not mean to just follow him around and watch him work, that means you do the good works that he did. He was the perfect example of what a good Christian should be engaged in.