If, for example, a Hindu says "I have faith that Vishnu is my lord and saviour", does that make Vishnu true?
The next kingdom to come the world split in to ten sections with a leader in each section, warned us of the new age movement, and people that interpret the Bible according to evolution, and people can still evolve, that will develop in to a unified religious system and evolution as standard religion world wide, and no other beliefs tolerated for they want peace, that do not acknowledge a personal God, but honor the God of forces, or the power of nature as their higher power.
The nations governments will come together and say Peace and safety as they try to establish peace on earth, and all people that do not love God will follow a kingdom that is in rebellion against God saying, I am and there is no one else beside me, and then God will put down the wicked, and that is it for sin on earth.
God already told us what is going on today, and that He is ready to wrap it up for He only gave mankind a certain amount of years to dwell on earth to take a people out of the world for His name, and then He has to put the wicked down, which is what the book of Revelation is about, a warning to the world to get right with God so they can escape falling in to the trap of following the world that God will put down.
The God of Israel told us the whole history of mankind, and said no other religion, or their so called god would be able to do that, and they cannot, for if they could they would know what is going down in the world today, but the God of Israel already told us about it.