The fear of the Lord God almighty was put into me by a similar verse as that. I was a professionally practicing pagan while exploring various other so-called "spiritual" healing paths when God revealed Himself to me; He actually spoke to me and every fibre of my being knew it was God speaking, and yet in my natural self I was so full of disbelief, rebellion and defiance, I did not want to believe it. It really shook me up, and eventually turned my whole world upside down. Not knowing who I could speak about my experience, I mean, I could hardly believe it, who would believe that God had spoken to me??? So I thought I would open the Bible a Christian friend had given me for my birthday six years earlier, to see if some random verse could provide an answer to me, random, um, yeah, but I made sure to open the book near to the end so I could avoid all he fire and brimstone stuff, but I go fire and brimstone anyways. I laugh now to remember that.... it was soooooooooo NOT what I wanted to hear at the time, but exactly what I needed to hear