You raised this question yesterday. I mentioned that the Hebrew word used means to cause a woman to conceive.
And the Greek word used here in these verses,
[FONT="]γεγέννηκά[/FONT], literally means to give birth, to bring forth.
The lesson for you is NOT to assume that the ENGLISH word used in translation automatically means the same thing wherever it is used.
You are trying to imply all along that the KJV is always correct, and perfect, and especially your interpretation of it, and that is also just plain wrong...
The Bible plainly teaches that Jesus Christ is both eternal God AND that He proceeds from the Father (as I alluded to earlier). It is clear that neither of the verses that you are interested in are anything to do with procreation in the sense that human beings can understand it.
The verse in Acts (that quotes Psalms) is used to make a very different point to that in Hebrews. However what is central to both is that the Son (Jesus Christ) is indissolubly linked to the Father and the relationship is one of a father to a son (an anthropomorphism to be sure - i.e. explained in human terms as a minimal explanation of something much bigger).
As long as you hold to your unfortunate position that the KJV is the only source of truth, and that your understanding of the English in the KJV is inerrant your utter confusion will persist...