Greek is so easy to learn, if you just take a course on it. Now, finding a grammar and vocabulary course on Early Modern English, that is the challenge.
Or, if you know French, German, Spanish, etc, you can read it in second person singular.
It always amazes me how people can just read the Bible in a language that is so far away from what we speak, and think they understand it, but yet, they can’t learn the languages the Bible was written in, nor any other common European language. (If you are Asian, or something like that, feel free to ignore this post!)
Which of course, the key is, ”thinking they understand it.” The Bible is important to me, so I want to read it in languages I understand, not in fome old, ftrange and no longer used language.
Forty, I am so far behind on thif thread. So bufy with life, I am behind on every thread!