I have a question.
If Budman is a totally compromised believer who lives like a sinner but believes he
is saved like a saint, if he was to accept he was wrong, it would mean he desires
to walk in the ways of Jesus and victory and has come to faith to believe it is
possible where is the surprise?
Like many before him people who believe like this, are the product of their belief
system, and their heart will rot with unresolved issues, in darkness and be totally
unaware there is another way.
Jesus put it like this
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.
But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"
Matthew 6:21-23
I find it illuminating, how ones enemies are so very predictable, and their
accusations are admitting the very reality of where they stand.
I wonder how a hypocrite can think saying someone is a hyprocrite is
an insult, rather than a joke, because they do not actually want to bring
about change, just honesty about hypocrisy and failure.
It is like a deep sea diver saying going down in a diving bell will kill you,
so do not do it, but this actually means they are not a deep sea diver.
So a christian who says they are living openly an impure life are denying
the gospel and the cleansing Jesus brings, while claiming the opposite.
It is like someone saying John the Baptist would be excluded from the
righteous believers because he would be too righteous. One place he would
never go is amongst those who claim to know God yet refuse to follow.
We are the people of saints, learning to walk in His ways with His Holy Spirit,
empowered to do good works of love to His glory.