This goes beyond the action of sin, but the motive of why the sin as committed. What was the accuser able to tempt us with? Whatever it is , its the god that we served. The idol of our heart. After the tempter causes the failure, then he accuses. Condemnation. Then we make the choice. Deliverance or bondage. If we choose the latter, we are captive until repentance.
What is going on with a believer that causes them to be trapped in sin?
People are quick to write them off.
"Look at him, obviously not a believer"
Yet do not give two thoughts as to why they do what they do.
You mention the idol of our heart.
That is not limited to what we do, in a peverse sense it's also the reasons behind what we do.
Hate, anger, hurt, pain and so on.
The saying goes "Better the devil you know than the one you don't"
The father of lies works, focuses on the reasons why people do things, then blames God. "If God really loves you why did he allow this to happen to you" this can then lead to a false concept of God.
Then we fall. Then satan says "If you really loved God then you would not never have done that"
A vicious circle.
To me it's not just repenting of what we do wrong, it's repenting of the cause of the effect.
A totally wrong concept of God. That also holds us in bondage.
Break that, be delivered from that, then it gets easier to walk in the freedom that we have in Jesus.