If people believe we do not have to have works to keep ourselves in a position to be saved,and can slack in charity,which is love in action,works,and be alright,then why do we repent,and confess Christ,and say we love God,for are not those works that are going towards our salvation,for if we do not do that we are not saved.
And if they say we cannot lack in works of love,then they admit we have to have works to be saved,and we know that we see people that believe faith alone,and not saved by works,lacking in love that cannot be denied,for we see their lifestyle,and ask people who do not believe the Bible and they will tell you there are many hypocrites,for they say many of them do not act like Christ.
Not saved by works makes sense if we receive the Spirit,and it is not possible that we can sin,and lack love if we desire to do that,but we are always led of the Spirit nothing wavering,for then it all the Spirit and His works.
But we know that we are still tempted,and can sin if we desire to sin,and are not forced to do right,so that means we have a responsibility in our life to ensure we do right,and the Spirit will not lead anyone that holds unto sin thinking they are alright with God,and does not want to do right.
That is why the Bible says work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,for Jesus did His job of saving us by the cross if we accept,but when we receive the Spirit then the responsibility is on us for we still have a choice between good and evil,so we have to make the choice to do good,for we know we are not forced to do it,so it has to come from us to want to do right before the Spirit will lead us to do right.
That is why Jesus addressed the first Church and said they have left their first love,and have fallen,and to repent,and the fifth Church that their works were not found perfect before God,and to repent,and if anybody says but that only pertains to this life and not eternal life,then why did Jesus say concerning the first Church that He will go against them and remove their candlestick,and the fifth Church He will come upon them in an hour they know not,which Jesus comes as a thief in the night,and a time they know not,and if He catches them being hypocritical,they shall have their portion with the hypocrites.
And who do they think the hypocrite is for it is not people that denied Christ,but the people that did not want to act like Christ and represent goodness,but wanted to enjoy some things like the world who is lost.
1Th 1:3 Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father.
2Th 1:11 Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power.
The Bible says it is the work of faith,for faith is a work for we had to do it to have it,and confessing Christ is a work,and repenting of our sins is a work,and saying we love God is a work.
And they should understand the Bible and not say that they have been chosen in the beginning without their choice but it is all of God,for then that means their repenting of their sins is not true,and their confessing Christ is not true,and their saying they love God is not true,and their faith is not true,for it would of not come from them but God.
God is the greatest love of all and people think He would tolerate having people dwell with Him that have no choice,and all that they do is not real for it did not come from them.