Then they bring once saved always saved into the mix and claim you don't have to have works because you got saved the moment you believed and you can't have that taken away. But they forget their own Calvy beliefs which also say that the person who supposedly believes and is supposedly saved at that moment wasn't really saved at that moment if he does not have any works and does not endure to the end. They contradict their own Calvy leanings.
Not directed at Ralph- per se, because all he will do is add to what I say, lie, and say things not said.
It's a well known fact.
For the record his comments above about contradiction and what not? It's a straw man argument, total misrepresentation and there is no contradiction.
There is, however, a contradistinction.
A person who does not have evidence of conversion and works is proving they were never truly converted. This doesn't contradict anything except his made up scenario where he attempts to say Calvinists teach you don't have to have works and you're still saved.
Bottom line? We don't teach that.
Ralph- is conflating Free Grace Theology beliefs with Calvinist truth, yet they are diametrically opposed. He shows he really doesn't understand either side. But truthful and factual statements are of no concern to Ralph- unfortunately.
According to Ralph- everybody has to be wrong somehow, even if he has to make things up and pretend what he says is factual, like the quote above when it's completely false.
I just wish that "professing believers" would end their lying. Seems at least one here wants to preach and push works and evidence being necessary, but just can't seem to stop lying about others at the same time himself.
How ironic. His belief system and actions just don't match up, and that is a huge concern.
Anyhow, just wanted to set the record straight.