You've been way off track, have made egregious errors with things said in haste and ad lib, and have made absurd unbiblical conclusions. But all this is due to your "not knowing" so I understand.
Please study or get under some who do and are sound in doctrine.
If it was not blue, would you be so nice?
At what point does one say enough is enough?
I know some people, who expecting too much of is just never going to happen.
I met someone who believed in praying with people who had dementia, and others
with who were clearly not all there. I whole heartedly support showing love and praying
for and with everyone, but some objectives are clearly beyond the gift of some, not
saying this is a point in question here, but just an observation of the difficulties of identifying
and loving people where they are.
Praise the Lord we are under His grace and perfect will, Amen.