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There are Scriptures that is contrary to post-trib
There are Scriptures that is contrary to pre-trib
There are NO Scriptures that is contrary to mid-trib, not one verse. We will go through some of the Tribulation Period but not all of it. That is what Scriptures teach.
Here is a Timeline and is not contrary to Scriptures.
Greetings to you as well Brother.
The seven years will be in fulfillment of the seventy 'sevens' that were decreed upon Israel and Jerusalem as revealed in Dan.9:24. Therefore, that seven years is God's wrath, not man's or Satan's.
i have never said the seven year Tribulation Period is man's wrath, nor satan's wrath. And God's wrath has been poured out all throughout History, Was not Adam and Even kicked out of the Garden because they angered God. Was God going to pour out His wrath on Israel when they made the Golden Calf? Did not God wrath come upon Egypt during Exodus? Is it not written that if we sow to the flesh we will reap corruption in the flesh from God? Is it not written that God punishes us by chastising those that He loves? So then God's wrath can fall under many different things can it not? Now the 7 year Tribulation Period is that God's Wrath? MOST CERTAINLY, but my point to you is that it is NOT His ONLY wrath, like you seem to believe.
Furthermore, Jesus is the One who is opening the seals, which lead into the trumpets, which are followed by the bowl judgments, which make Him the One who is initiating and is responsible for God's wrath.
True, and i have never said otherwise. Now it is YOUR OPINION that when God starts opening the 7 seals it will be during the 7 years Tribulation Period. However there is NOTHING in all of Scriptures that indicates that they will start to open During the 7 year Tribulation Period, that is entirely YOUR OPINION. Truthfully i would like to know how you came up with that opinion. You seemed to be pretty knowledgeable in the Word, therefore break it down to me, using the Word of God, that led you to believe OPENING THE FIRST SEAL STARTS THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION PERIOD.
i know where you stand and say that the Seals, Trumpets, and Bowels are all Wrath of God, and therefore the 7 year Tribulation is also the Wrath of God, and then you deduced that since the Seals are a part of the Wrath of God that it must be included in the 7 year Tribulation Period which is the Wrath of God. Again, i ask you though, to show any Scriptures that indicates that the Wrath of God is ONLY SECLUDED to the 7 year Tribulation Period. i have even showed where the Wrath of God has taken place outside of ONLY the 7 year Tribulation Period.
Brother, i know you disagree with the first 5 seals being outside of the 7 year Tribulation Period represented in the timeline above. But as i said before and is still True, what is shown in the timeline is not contrary to Scriptures. If you can show one verse that shows any of the first 5 seals being broken have to happen during the 7 year Tribulation Period, then i will gladly change the timeline to reflect Scriptures.
Now it is clear that the timeline is contrary to what YOU think is the Truth, but is NOT contrary to any Scriptures, if you think it is contrary to Scriptures then reveal the Scriptures. Thanks.
The entire seven years is God's tribulation upon Israel and the rest of the Christ rejecting world.
True, and i have not said otherwise, nor does the timeline say other than that either. Yes the Entire 7 year Tribulation Period is the wrath of God, this is TRUE. Now it is YOUR OPINION that all of the seals are a part of the 7 year Tribulation Period, unless you can show relevant Scriptures to back that opinion up.
That said, scripture states the following:
* The believer is not appointed to suffer wrath (1 Thes.5:9)
Absolutely True, unless they put their hands into sin. It is written: You reap what you sow, Sow to the flesh reap corruption in the flesh by God, you will repay for the wrong that you do, the righteous sinning is a corrupt spring and shall die.
When you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, all the sins that you committed up to that point, Jesus paid for by stripes and crucifixion. All those sins that you choose to commit after that, YOU PAY FOR! What? Do you think Christ takes Stripes and put back on the cross each time you commit a new sin? He took away your sins ONCE, He paid for your sins ONCE. Now as Christians when we commit sin we ask Jesus to forgive us for that sin, and if we TRULY REPENT of that sin, He does indeed forgive us that sin, However the price is still paid by US. Reap what you sow.
For example if you are committing sin by adultery, and You cease and Truly repent of that sin, He will forgive you for that sin, but YOU will still pay the consequences of your own actions, you will reap corruption in your flesh because you committed that sin, Yes you are forgiven but you still have to reap what you have sown. When? When do you suffer corruption in your flesh because of that sin? It could be tomorrow, it could be a year from now, it could very well be during the 7 year Tribulation Period as well, as a final test to believers to see if they will fall away from the faith because of the corruption in their flesh, which they brought upon their own selves but will not realize that God said "if you sow to the flesh you shall reap corruption in the flesh" Therefore MANY and i say MANY will suffer corruption in their flesh during the 7 year Tribulation Period, and they will fall away from God, because they do not understand why they are suffering so much, and it will be because of all that sowing to the flesh they committed AFTER they accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, and God does not lie, and anyone, ANYONE who sows to their flesh WILL reap corruption in that flesh one day in the future, because God does not lie.
Gal_6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
(Anyone sowing to the Spirit won't be sowing to the his/her flesh)
* Jesus rescues the believer from the coming wrath (1 Thes.1:10)
When does Jesus deliver us from the wrath to come? When He Returns, correct? When He returns He takes up the Church, this is Correct, and indeed it is at the time that Jesus delivers us from the wrath to come. Now if you look at the timeline above, When does it show Jesus coming? During the middle of the 7 year Tribulation Period. So tell me, When Jesus comes according to the timeline, does Jesus deliver us from the wrath to come AFTER He gets here? Look at the timeline, the wrath of the 7 vials/bowels comes AFTER Jesus arrives and gathers up the Church to be with Him in the Holy City. So then the timeline is correct, Jesus delivers us Christians by taking us from the wrath of the 7 bowels to come.
Now it is YOUR OPINION that that wrath to come includes the whole 7 year Tribulation Period, that indeed is your opinion.
* Jesus promises to keep the believer out of that hour of trial, i.e. God's coming wrath (Rev.3:10)
The verse says He will keep them from the hour of Temptation, it is YOUR OPINION that is God's coming wrath. God's coming wrath that you are referring to is 7 years, What? now you are associating the HOUR of temptation with the WHOLE 7 year Tribulation Period? You don't see a flaw here? 7 Year Tribulation is a WEEK, But now you are teaching the HOUR of temptation is not an hour but a Week. Do you see your error here? God's coming wrath is NOT the hour of temptation.
Regarding your chart, the first six seals should be included within the seven years and not outside of it, as the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments all belong together as a set and should not broken up with one part representing tribulation and the other wrath. It is all God's wrath.
And as i have said before, if you can show any Scriptures with reveals that all six seals should be included within the seven years, then i will most certainly change it to reflect Scriptures. What? Do you think i should change it to reflect what YOU believe? So show me Scriptures. You say you have done many studies. Therefore something in your studying has made you think that all seven seals should be within the 7 year Tribulation Period, all i am asking is for you to show me the Scriptures that led you to believe that, is that to much to ask? Or that is something you merely believe, and there is no possible way you can change that stance.
Also, you have Jesus returning in the middle of the seven years when scripture is clear that he doesn't return until after the wrath of God has been completed, which is after pouring out of the 7th bowl and which takes place at the end of the seven years.
Do you know what kills me, is people saying something is clear in Scriptures, when it is not in Scriptures at all. i have asked you many times in the past to show me these CLEAR Scriptures that teach Jesus comes at the end, To which you have not been able to show one CLEAR SCRIPTURE YET. Strange you say Scriptures are clear that it happens after the 7 bowel, but can't show one clear verse that says or even implies that. Brother, YOUR opinion does not make Scriptures clear. If you say Scriptures are clear on this matter then show it, or are you just blowing smoke circles?
And second, you have the new Jerusalem coming down in the middle of the seven years, right in the middle of God's wrath and upon this earth.
This is what God told me, and it is TRUE. If you can show any Scriptures that is contrary to that, then you will prove to everybody that i am Fake and God did NOT tell me. But what will we see from you? NOT Scriptures, but we will see many of your interpretations that you have interpreted to be contrary to Him coming down in the middle of Tribulation.
Scripture has the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven after the thousand year reign of Christ
NO verse teaches that. If you think it does reveal it.
Scripture has the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven after the thousand year reign of Christ and after the great white throne judgment
No verse teaches that either, if you think it does please show the verse that indicates the Holy City comes down AFTER the great white Throne Judgment
Scripture has the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven after the thousand year reign of Christ and after the great white throne judgment and when the new heaven and new earth is created, as demonstrated in Rev.20:11, 21:1-2.
The New Heaven and the New Earth take 7 years to Create. The Holy City comes down with Christ to which Him and the Saints reign over all the kingdoms of the entire World, Kings will bow down to Him. ALL Nations will serve Him whether they want to or not. The 1,000 years on Earth will be like the Garden of Eden wherever the River of Life touches, all of which come out from the New City Jerusalem. After the 7 year Tribulation Period, when all wicked are destroyed by the bowels, the 144,000 children that the first fruits of the Lord, will live and repopulate the Earth in this Garden of Eden for a thousand years. Jesus and we Saints will rule over them during this thousand years. These things are what God told me. If then you can find one verse that is contrary to anything that i have just said then you can prove that i did not talk with God on these matters. But i already know you can't find one verse that is contrary to what i have just said, because God told me these things, and He does not lie. What i say will happen, will happen indeed. And just because your personal beliefs does not agree with it, does not make me a liar. What God told me is TRUE. And it will happen exactly as He told me it will happen.
The new heaven and new earth do not appear until after this present heaven and earth have passed away and yet you have the new Jerusalem touching down on this earth and in the middle of God's wrath. Therefore, it is contrary to scripture.
If it were contrary to Scriptures, then you surely would have the Scripture immediately listed to back up what you say. But do we see any Scriptures? Just because you say it is contrary to Scriptures does not make it so, if it is contrary to Scriptures then show the Scriptures. How many times do i have to ask you to do this before you understand what i am asking? Show Scriptures that is contrary to what is in the timeline. If you can't, why do you continue to merely say over and over again, that the timeline is contrary to Scriptures, but show no Scriptures.
If there was a Scripture, wouldn't you be the first one to prove me wrong? Yet there are no Scriptures, why is that? Because there aren't any Scriptures that is contrary to the TRUTHS that God told me. That is why.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††