What about Matthew 25:46? When Jesus returns there are only two destinations it looks like. No one in the flesh left.
The Lord is speaking in regards to each groups final, eventual state. The sheep who are on the Lord's right, are those great tribulation saints who will have made it alive through the entire wrath of God and will be those who will repopulate the earth during the millennial period, along with the remnant of Israel. The Lord's reference to them going into eternal life is referring to their ultimate destination and not something that happens at the time of that judgment. For prior to that they will live during the millennial period in their mortal bodies and repopulating the earth.
What about the parable of wheat and tares, where the tares are gathered first and Jesus says let the wheat and tares grow together until the end of the world. Rapture wouldn't be the end of the world.
Regarding the above, this obviously doesn't include the church, and that because the church/bride is shown in heaven during the time of God's wrath and returning with the Lord to the earth to end the age, as found in Rev.17:14, 19:6-8, 14. In Rev.19:6-8 the bride/church is seen receiving her fine line, white and clean and are then seen returning with the Lord riding on white horses and wearing that same fine linen, white and clean. In Rev.17:14 those who will be returning with the Lord are referred to as His "called, chosen and faithful followers," the church.
I also struggle with the idea of two comings, one for the church and one with the church. You claim it is the church returning in Rev 19 but the "thousands and thousands of his saints" can just as well be saints who have died already and are in heaven now, Jesus is also said to return with the angels.
Prior to the Lord's return to the earth the wrath of God must take place via the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments. Regarding this, scripture states that believers are not appointed to suffer God's wrath (1 Thes.5:9) and that Jesus rescues us from the coming wrath (1 Thes.1:10) and the Lord also said that He would keep us out of that time of trail that is coming upon the whole world (Rev.3:10).
That said, the church must be gathered prior to the beginning of God's wrath, which is initiated by the first seal being opened. Also, the saints who will be returning with Christ will be those who will be in their immortal and glorified bodies, which will have taken place when the resurrection of the dead takes place and the living are changed and caught up. Therefore those who will be returning with Christ will be in their immortal and glorified bodies, which they will have received at the resurrection.
If i was forced to pick one view right now i say that historic premillennialism makes the most sense. that the rapture happens at the last trumpet which would be in revelation 11:5 when kingdoms of this world are come kingdoms of our Lord etc., etc. This is pretty straight forward and literal.
Actually, it is not straight forward and that because you are erroneously assuming, like so many, that the 7th trumpet of the trumpet judgments is synonymous with the "last trumpet" mentioned in 1 Cor.15:52, which they are not. They are completely different types of trumpets. The only thing that they have in common is the word "trumpet."
The 7th trumpet, like the seals and the other trumpets, are all judgments of wrath and not blessings. Also, within the context of the 7th trumpet you will find no mention of the church being gathered.
The celebration announcement prior to the results of the 7th trumpet in Rev.11:15, as well the celebration announcement after the results of the 7th trumpet made in Rev.12:10-12 is the on-going process of the authority of the earth and its kingdoms reverting back from Satan, whom it was given to after the fall of Adam and Eve, back to God and mankind, which Jesus redeemed. These celebratory announcements say nothing about the church being gathered. (Regarding Satan's authority of the kingdoms of the earth see Luke 4:5-7). That is what those announcements and his being cast out of heaven is referring to.
[/quote]The objection then is, what about not appointed to wrath, well simple, I believe the wrath refers to hell not earthly things. For real im still undecided now. Looking into it. [/quote]
Those who have believed in Christ have been credited with the righteousness of Christ and have been reconciled to God, meaning that God's wrath no longer rests upon believers, any wrath, whether it be God's coming wrath upon this earth, nor the wrath at the great white throne judgment leading to the lake of fire. And that because Jesus took upon himself the wrath that every believer deserves satisfying it completely and fully. And since that wrath has already been completely satisfied, believers will not be exposed to God's wrath which will be carried out via the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments.
I hope this sheds some more light on the subject