Now, Meggido, you are judging wrongfully, when you say that about dying. For the truth is that if we are His, born again, that has already happened. Read your bible a little closer.
We all desire to do what the Lord would have us do. The divide here is whether we follow by law, or spirit. And stop blaming others that aren't even here. Lol. Hillsong has nothing to do with this discussion. Try to stay focused, both you and seven.
Again, full surrender happened, God choses by sealing our spirit, baptized us in His power and introduces us to living in the Spirit.
If there is a problem, it came from hellfire and brimstone preachers. Not Hillsong. Now grace being unmerited, but placed on the merits of Jesus alone, also now includes the power of God within us to finish the work started on earth by Jesus.
So so let's reveal what we are now, and who we've become. God is very watchful over His body, so we need to find some happy unity here. If we begin by teaching we are now a spiritual being, and walk in life by His Voice within...sometimes without too, but rarely I think, are we together then in this?
I find most believers to be untaught in the spiritual life we can live, including myself and I too resisted much until God Himself thought it time to instruct. I can be as stubborn as a mule at times, but as I said to you, then we become a target for Holy Spirit. Because He loves to take the stubborn and cause the prideful man that we all have to fall. I think it's His delight actually. I've seen some funny stuff.
Teach the truth in love and add humor.
Drop the club. It only raises another club and then onhigh has a problem. Both the one here and above.