With the Roman Catholic Church,and Scientology,and Christian Science,and the new age movement with their occult interpretation of the Bible,that can be so off base concerning the Bible,gives testimony that many people want to hear things the way they want to hear things,for they plainly ignore scriptures that are self explanatory,or make them out to be something different,and the Catholic Church involves too much the working of people in the process of salvation,like the Pope,and Mary,and the priest,and too much rituals in the process of salvation.
People hear things the way the want to hear things,and it is like 2+2=4,that is simple,easy to understand,but people are arguing it means 3,or 5,or 6,or some other number.
How come people do not have so many different interpretations when it comes to the Quran,or Buddhism,or Hinduism,or any other religion,for sure there can be a few different interpretations of other religions,but not like the Bible.
The Bible is the most misinterpreted book in the history of mankind,for so many people believe it,other religions believe it,even Muslims,but think some is the work of man,some believe it has partial truth,so many people believe it even if they do not believe all of it,even occultists believe it,and with all those people of the world,and their beliefs,they are dragging them in to the Bible,and interpretating them like that.
The Roman Catholic Church did not get rid of the pagan ways of the Roman Empire,and dragged them in to the Bible,and it became their foundation for the interpretation of scriptures.
Many different beliefs of people that are not part of the Bible they drag in to the Bible,and it becomes their foundation for interpretating scriptures,so they are blind by that belief that is not part of the Bible,from correctly seeing the truth of the Bible,and sometimes write a book and say it is inspired by God to further put forth their belief mingled with the Bible,like the Mormon Church and Jesus coming to America.