The Catholic Church does not do the bolded....they push a religion, sacramental pseudo salvation, elevate men to the stature of God, push idolatry, a non-existent place (purgatory) and are as false as Anton Levey and His 1st Church of Satan.......they kept nothing out of the so called EARLY CHURCH....and as a matter of fact the LORD'S CHURCHES (plural) were in existence for some 300 years before the CATHOLIC CHURCH and Constantine.....contrary to popular belief....PETER was not the 1st POPE of anything and was crucified UPSIDE in ROME by the ROMAN government around the same time PAUL was beheaded.........
The Roman Emperor Constantine established himself as the head of the church around 313 A.D., which made this new "Christianity" the official religion of the Roman Empire. The first actual Pope in Rome was probably Leo I (440-461 A.D.), although some claim that Gregory I was the first (590-604 A.D.). This ungodly system eventually ushered in the darkest period of history known to man, properly known as the "Dark Ages" (500-1500 A.D.). Through popes, bishops, and priests, Satan ruled Europe, and Biblical Christianity became illegal. Throughout all of this, however, there remained individual groups of true Christians, such as the Waldensens and the Anabaptists who would not conform to the Roman system.