Also, I was talking to my New Zealand friend just a couple of days ago by phone and brought up this 'flat earth' topic...and he said any number of his friends from there have noticed in their travels to North America...that the moon's features are "upside down" compared to what they see when they are in New Zealand.
Sure enough, I went on the Internet just last night and...there it was -- more irrefutable evidence for a globe:
The way this works is that on a globe, New Zealanders are standing 'upside down' in relation to North Americans and we North Americans are standing 'upside down' in relation to New Zealanders! See the graphic below:
On an alleged "flat earth" there is no way and no how that could ever be. You would NOT see the features of the moon
right side up in North America...and then
upside down in New Zealand.
That could ONLY happen on a globe. Again, these are commonly observable facts...apparently noticed by HUGE numbers of ordinary people. I had never given this a second thought. But now that the subject of flat earth has come up...the evidences for a sphere are bursting at the seams.