[1]Who said God didn't deliver Paul??
God did. When He said that His grace was sufficient and His power is made perfect in weakness.
[2]It wasn't a sickness that Paul had.
According to you, it doesn't matter. You said God wants us all in perfect health. Oh, and that doesn't explain Timothy's stomach sickness.
[3] If Paul, or anyone doesn't take authority over adverse circumstances, Then God
can't, as He has given us the power and authority to bind and loose.
I see, So we have the power to prevent God from doing something. How blasphemous. And if you possess such authority, why aren't you going into hospitals and cancer centers, using that authority and getting those people healed?
[4Jesus told Paul that His grace is all he needed to get the victory.
So, it's all Paul's fault? You sound like a televangelist who tells sick people God didn't heal them because they just didn't have enough faith.
[5]Even if Paul didn't get the victory, it doesn't change God's word. And God said we are more than conquerors through God, Always triumph through Jesus and have the victory through faith, to overcome the problems of the world.
Again, I guess Paul was just lacking in the faith department, huh? Good thing you've come along to show us our (and Paul's) error.