I have a confession to make.-
I'm what the left refers to as a "gun nut." You would never no it by the paltry size of my collection, but I think they are cool on so many levels.
What I like more than guns though is American gun culture. Since I've taken on the responsibility of being an armed citizen, many of the best friends I have made have been gun enthusiasts. Why? Many of us share one thing in common- what it means to be a truly free individual in an age when that is increasingly less cool.
We are generally Christians (at least nominally). Many of us grew up in the country or close to it. We have a strong affinity with history. We cannot stand BS political correctness. We value independence, adulthood, and personal responsibility. Finally, we just know the simple pleasure dropping lead down range and spelling the gunpowder on our hands directly afterward.
This is a thread for myself and the rest of you. Here we can discuss anything we want about life as armed citizens- our firearms, shooting techniques, gun show moments of glory, and videos of Top Gun Tori, Iraqwarveteran8888. and Colion Noir.
I also propose we ignore the naysayers unless special circumstances call for it. This is our thread.
I'm what the left refers to as a "gun nut." You would never no it by the paltry size of my collection, but I think they are cool on so many levels.
What I like more than guns though is American gun culture. Since I've taken on the responsibility of being an armed citizen, many of the best friends I have made have been gun enthusiasts. Why? Many of us share one thing in common- what it means to be a truly free individual in an age when that is increasingly less cool.
We are generally Christians (at least nominally). Many of us grew up in the country or close to it. We have a strong affinity with history. We cannot stand BS political correctness. We value independence, adulthood, and personal responsibility. Finally, we just know the simple pleasure dropping lead down range and spelling the gunpowder on our hands directly afterward.
This is a thread for myself and the rest of you. Here we can discuss anything we want about life as armed citizens- our firearms, shooting techniques, gun show moments of glory, and videos of Top Gun Tori, Iraqwarveteran8888. and Colion Noir.
I also propose we ignore the naysayers unless special circumstances call for it. This is our thread.