The average Trump voter is being profiled as "fed up, disgusted with the Washington establishment." OK, fair enough. But can they tell us how Trump will change anything? Don't think so. In fact, in last night's primetime debate, he didn't even do obnoxious well.
Uh, whut? I don't know what you call that in politics, but in psychology, we call it "word salad." There isn't a cogent, processed thought anywhere in there.
Such a response would have brought a normal campaign to its uneventful end. But the Trump voter today actually thinks he won the debate! And they whine about the question in the first place, saying it was unfair. Well, excuse me, but he's threatened to pick up his marbles and go play somewhere else for weeks now, if he's not the Republican nominee. He explained that as "leverage" last night.
Leverage? Against who? Non-supporters? He's threatening them with running a third-party candidacy that will almost assuredly put a Democrat in the White House, probably another Clinton. He doesn't seem to realize that everyone except his supporters take that as about as disloyal and self-centeredly egotistical as a candidate can get.
Trump voters whine all the time, though. When you ask them what they like about this buffoon, they say "he fights" and "he doesn’t back down" and -- of course -- you just don’t get it."
What is it I don't get? "You just don’t get it!" is not an argument. Sure, I understand they believe they have said it after they have made what they think is a serious case with facts, data, and logic. But when they start out with "You just don’t get it," the brain farting is all on your end of the conversation.
A rough translation of this "argument" might be: "Earth logic is useless in communicating why I think this guy should be the nominee. So I will, like an ugly American, shout the same phrase over and over again on the assumption that with greater decibels comes greater understanding."
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is where the Trump and Obama voters show they have one and the same mindset. Obama voters can't get people to understand their logic (because there is none), so they call them "stupid, uninformed, unsophisticated," and then accuse them of hating blacks, poor people, women, immigrants, etc., etc., etc. All baseless. All incredibly naive and uninformed in itself.
Trump voters are doing the same thing, and don't seem to realize it. And they also don't realize that Trump is tremendously good at bluster but woefully short on facts, solutions, logic, truth, qualification, or morality.
If you're a Trump voter, do you realize that, in two hours last night, he bragged about buying politicians, clearly refused to discount running in such a way that guarantees another Democrat as president, showed he hates women (apparently with Megyn Kelly at the top of his list), endorsed single-payer healthcare systems and claimed they "work" in Canada and Scotland (they don't), and claimed he bribed Hillary Clinton to come to his wedding. (Why in the world would you even want Hillary at your wedding, Don?)
How is that qualification for president? How can you continue to believe there is anything of substance to this guy? How can you not see he is a Democratic Party shill who will, if given the opportunity, guarantee a continuation of the bankrupt social, economic, and foreign/defense policies of Obama, thus assuring the downfall of the United States as a dominant world power?
Trump is a either a plant, a fool, or so unbelievably arrogant wannabe dictator.
Politico: Full test of Republican debate
(Bret) BAIER [wraping up his opening question regarding who would decline to pledge not to run as a third-party candidate]: And that experts say an independent run would almost certainly hand the race over to Democrats and likely another Clinton. You can’t say tonight that you can make that pledge?
TRUMP: I cannot say. I have to respect the person that, if it’s not me, the person that wins, if I do win, and I’m leading by quite a bit, that’s what I want to do. I can totally make that pledge. If I’m the nominee, I will pledge I will not run as an independent. But — and I am discussing it with everybody, but I’m, you know, talking about a lot of leverage. We want to win, and we will win. But I want to win as the Republican. I want to run as the Republican nominee.
(Bret) BAIER [wraping up his opening question regarding who would decline to pledge not to run as a third-party candidate]: And that experts say an independent run would almost certainly hand the race over to Democrats and likely another Clinton. You can’t say tonight that you can make that pledge?
TRUMP: I cannot say. I have to respect the person that, if it’s not me, the person that wins, if I do win, and I’m leading by quite a bit, that’s what I want to do. I can totally make that pledge. If I’m the nominee, I will pledge I will not run as an independent. But — and I am discussing it with everybody, but I’m, you know, talking about a lot of leverage. We want to win, and we will win. But I want to win as the Republican. I want to run as the Republican nominee.
Such a response would have brought a normal campaign to its uneventful end. But the Trump voter today actually thinks he won the debate! And they whine about the question in the first place, saying it was unfair. Well, excuse me, but he's threatened to pick up his marbles and go play somewhere else for weeks now, if he's not the Republican nominee. He explained that as "leverage" last night.
Leverage? Against who? Non-supporters? He's threatening them with running a third-party candidacy that will almost assuredly put a Democrat in the White House, probably another Clinton. He doesn't seem to realize that everyone except his supporters take that as about as disloyal and self-centeredly egotistical as a candidate can get.
Trump voters whine all the time, though. When you ask them what they like about this buffoon, they say "he fights" and "he doesn’t back down" and -- of course -- you just don’t get it."
What is it I don't get? "You just don’t get it!" is not an argument. Sure, I understand they believe they have said it after they have made what they think is a serious case with facts, data, and logic. But when they start out with "You just don’t get it," the brain farting is all on your end of the conversation.
A rough translation of this "argument" might be: "Earth logic is useless in communicating why I think this guy should be the nominee. So I will, like an ugly American, shout the same phrase over and over again on the assumption that with greater decibels comes greater understanding."
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is where the Trump and Obama voters show they have one and the same mindset. Obama voters can't get people to understand their logic (because there is none), so they call them "stupid, uninformed, unsophisticated," and then accuse them of hating blacks, poor people, women, immigrants, etc., etc., etc. All baseless. All incredibly naive and uninformed in itself.
Trump voters are doing the same thing, and don't seem to realize it. And they also don't realize that Trump is tremendously good at bluster but woefully short on facts, solutions, logic, truth, qualification, or morality.
If you're a Trump voter, do you realize that, in two hours last night, he bragged about buying politicians, clearly refused to discount running in such a way that guarantees another Democrat as president, showed he hates women (apparently with Megyn Kelly at the top of his list), endorsed single-payer healthcare systems and claimed they "work" in Canada and Scotland (they don't), and claimed he bribed Hillary Clinton to come to his wedding. (Why in the world would you even want Hillary at your wedding, Don?)
How is that qualification for president? How can you continue to believe there is anything of substance to this guy? How can you not see he is a Democratic Party shill who will, if given the opportunity, guarantee a continuation of the bankrupt social, economic, and foreign/defense policies of Obama, thus assuring the downfall of the United States as a dominant world power?
Trump is a either a plant, a fool, or so unbelievably arrogant wannabe dictator.
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