I cannot believe he is "cured." There were no consequences for his actions, no counseling to get to the reasons for this behaviour, and no uncovering what triggered him. (Who abused him? In other words - that is usually what make pedophiles abuse children.)
I think the whole show, the concept is appalling. Too many children to properly parent. Women living in abject and total obedience to men who are not answerable to anyone! (Oh God, I guess!)
It perpetuates stereotypes, it is a philosophy that totally misuses the Bible. The fact that they let their lives become a show piece for TV doesn't say much about their Christianity.
Until he is put in jail, serves time for the terrible things he has done, I will not believe he is "cured." Really, there is no cure for pedophila. And yes, a 14 year old can be a pedophile, as long as he is a bit older than the girls he is molesting. He ruined the girls lives, and he get off with being the favoured son.
It just makes me sick, and also how swayed people are by this corrupt and disgusting brand of "Christianity." Totally submissive women and children is the perfect breeding grounds for all kinds of abuse - sexual, physical and mental. Just terrible!
I can only hope that the good that will come out of this, is that other women in this slavery situation will be encouraged to seek help and get out.