Concerning the teaching of the biblical fish; Every word Jesus spoke, every place that He went, and every thing that He did was and is the fulfillment of the words of the prophets and the law. I used the word 'is' because it is present tense when a person repents, picks up their cross and follow Him. The Law is being fulfilled in that person as he or she follows. I did not fully understand that until I was shown the meaning of the coin in the fish's mouth. It helps if you participate as you examine what is taking place in this story. When I use (two parts) use your left hand and form a large 'c' and at the same time use your right hand to form a backwards 'c'. After you do this, you will be picturing a coin of two parts as you bring them together to form one coin rather than two parts. In the Old Testament, there is a prophet named Moses who gave a command (law) that those who are called in from the field to be counted in the census of God's people (they were strangers to the temple, not yet counted in the census); AFTER they are counted, they are to give (two parts) a half a shekel according to the (whole) shekel of the sanctuary, as a memorial to the things God has just done by His own hand. What is a memorial? It is a WITNESS. In the New Testament, Jesus asked Peter, "Who pays the temple tax (tax is not the best word to use), sons or strangers?" Peter answered correctly "STRANGERS" Jesus said then the sons are free, go down to the water, (here comes the christian fish) lower a hook, take the first fish that comes up and remove the (two parts) coin from its mouth and give it (remember the law) to the temple priests (coin of two parts) for Me and for you." You were a stranger to God's temple until the day the word of God called out to you, to come and be counted in the census of His people. The moment you opened your mouth and gave witness of the things God had just done in our life, is the fulfillment of that law which Jesus caused to be fulfilled within you...,and you did not know it until just now. This is the very moment I understood what had taken place in my life, and I was excited to give witness, a tribute, a lasting memorial to the things which law could not do until Jesus, our King and High Priest, gave eternal meaning to those whose lives are changed forever. So the next time you see the image of the christian fish, know that you should never fear to say His name, even in the face of adversity. What good would it be to save your life and lose your very soul. This is my fish story. Some are not able to see this; I am not the least disappointed by that. It is not my time that the witness comes to life for a person who hears the witness. Thank you for allowing me to tell this fish story. Being able to give witness overcomes any difficulties I might have. What an honor.