7 "All flesh" refers to the Gentiles, who will also see the salvation of God through Jesus Christ.
and having been a Gentile and stranger to God, how ridiculously glad i am for it!! the Lord sets the prisoners free, the Lord reveals Himself to a people who did not look for Him and calls out of strange nations a people to Himself!
I will lay waste mountains and hills,
and dry up all their vegetation;
I will turn the rivers into islands,
and dry up the pools.
And I will lead the blind
in a way that they do not know,
in paths that they have not known
I will guide them.
I will turn the darkness before them into light,
the rough places into level ground.
These are the things I do,
and I do not forsake them.
(Isaiah 42:15-16)
God does these things - God makes the paths of the people of a crooked nation straight, and opens the eyes of citizens of the kingdom of the blind
a double portion, judgement and mercy - John was sent to the Jews, who had been separated to God, and Christ has come that all of us, Jew and Gentile, can be redeemed and regenerated, justified and sanctified, adopted into Abraham and into heaven!