You have the incorrect perception of these verses. 1 John is telling believers that there are sins that do not cause physical death.
1 John 5:15-16 doesn't say there are sins that do not cause physical death, it says sins that do not lead to death. Big difference. There is nothing wrong with my perception.
1 Corinthians 5 we have the apostle Paul advising the church to pray for the destruction of the flesh of one who was engaged in gross immorality. No indication of Spiritual death just physical death because of his sin.
5 [/SUP]you are to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord. If "destruction of the flesh" means physical death,
how can his spirit be saved if he is dead? Maybe it means a slow rotting of diseases so the person can come to his senses. Unless you want to believe Paul is issuing a death sentence. There is nothing wrong with my perception.
People who trust Christ to forgive them of their sins and are born again by the washing of regeneration of the Holy Spirit can never dies again.
Please provide one verse in scripture regarding baptism where water is separated from spirit, and where spirit is symbolic.
There is nothing wrong with my perceptions.
Rom 8:1 no condemnation Jesus said any man who believes in Him though he were dead yet shall he live. He shall not see death but is passed from death unto eternal life.
For the unsaved person religious or not any sin and all sin results in death which is physical, Spiritual and eternal. Jesus said that He came not into the world to condemn the lost for they are condemned already but that He came to seek and to save.
How very Catholic of you.
You attempt to obfuscate the truth.
Until a man is saved by grace received through faith, faith which comes from hearing the word of God he is lost and has no hope.
Agreed, but grace received through faith is just the beginning, and it says hearing the word of N
God, it says nothing about reading it, and the Bible warns against self-interpretation, and the Bible says nothing about "faith alone".
No man deserves to be saved. No man can earn salvation.
Agreed. Earning salvation is a Pelagian heresy condemned by the Church in the 6th century. Yet this myth about Catholics "earning salvation" just won't go away.
2 Corinthians 5:21 For He hath made Him to be sin for us Who knew no sin that we might be the righteousness of God in Him.
I look to Christ to save me and I see God. God looks to me and sees Christ.
Your unbiblical man made theory about "all sin is the same" has been demolished, so you mention imputed or forensic justification, another reformist invention.