Too bad I already raised two wonderful and respectful daughter this way.....and it works....
spankings are for frustrated people who cant find a way to make their children behave
So they bully them.....
That is not true in what you say.
I was raised in a house that believed in spanking, and I was raised to be a respectful and good person do to it.
I then turned and raised my son the same way, and from 9 years of age all the way up to now he is very respectful, helpful, and caring person to. And we have a very close relationship.
Those who believe spanking is for frustrated people who have unruly kids, or that kids become very hatred and angry people when older is not true.
Let me just show you another trend that has been showing up, and this is not only world facts but also biblical fact as well.
As spanking a child has become illegal in some areas and tried to be forced illegal in others for the past ten years, kids have become less discipline, more disrespectful, and violence amongst kids especially teenagers has increased.
And if you don't believe me, just look at the media on how many school shootings, teenage gang violence, and so on is happening now more than ever. The bible itself even says that kids will become disrespectful, non-obedient in the last days.
I just find it strange that the making physical discipline ( spanking ) against the law is falling right in line with kids becoming more disobedient.
If you raised two kids with out physical discipline then that is good, but do not knock others of make wrong statements that the media puts out toward those who do. The bible is even for physical discipline of kids if done carefully.