but in many cases it is just as true that women do the looking for the wallet thing. I have seen women bleed men dry and the minute the cash runs out they bail. I have seen women have kids just for that support check + government handouts.
do some men leech off of women, yeah. but all the woman has to do is leave... where as men tend to get stung for years after she bailed.
I think it also must be pointed out that we are all responsible for making wiser choices as well. In many, not all, but many of these types of cases, whether the person who is doing the using is a man or woman, there are huge red flags that are often ignored.
So when things go the way they do, the victim is not exactly blameless, but rather, facing the consequences of their own bad choices. I know this was my case as well--warning signs all over the place but I didn't get out when I should have.
Chica, I greatly admire you for respecting your father. I feel the same way. It has to be understood that our families have looked out and provided for us our entire lives--when someone does that, you have a great amount of respect for them in your life, no matter how old you are. Do you necessarily allow them to run your life as an adult? No. But you do take their wisdom and advice into consideration.
The Bible says, "Honor your father and mother." This does not mean allowing them to make or dictate your every decision, but the Bible also does not say to stop honoring them after a certain age or event, such as becoming an adult. Honoring your parents, trusting that they are wiser than you are, and considering their input is something we do all our lives, not just during our childhood and teenage years.