Remember the term, "Religious Right"? It referred, in a nutshell, to any of us possessing the temerity to mix our faith with politics (Ooooo!). If you've ever been accused of "imposing your own morality on others" - by opposing such Godlessness as abortion (OOOHH!) or sodomitic "marriage," (Naughty, NAUGHTY intolerant hate-mongering Christian!) you're probably a member of the Religious Right. Following it to a logical extension, would there not be a "Sacrilegious Left," consisting of those in favor of the slaughter - an all-too-literal blood sacrifice - of the Innocent Unborn on the bloodstained altars of the Sacrilegious Left in abortuaries across this once-great nation, and those advocating for "marriage" on the basis of people of the same gender sodomizing eachother and engaging in other unnatural and detestable acts of perversion?
Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, it's also highly likely that you've also been called a "fascist," "Nazi," and other labels. Those lobbing such labels, however, are intellectually incapable of providing a proper definition of the labels they're tossin'.
Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, it's also highly likely that you've also been called a "fascist," "Nazi," and other labels. Those lobbing such labels, however, are intellectually incapable of providing a proper definition of the labels they're tossin'.
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