You not quoting from the bible For example : If you say that "As long as Joseph was alive, he was, in all essence, Pharaoh himself" , where can you back that up in the bible?..
Pharaoh, not a personal name, but one which is defined as "ruler", and as such, ruler of Egypt, gave to Joseph the rule over his house (his country) and said to him, "according to your word shall my people be ruled (Gen 41:40)". If there is but one ruler (leader, dictator, president) over a country and that ruler himself, in having that authority, gave that rule over to another, then what made that Pharaoh (ruler) a ruler also made the one (Joseph) he gave that authority to a pharaoh. And from my understanding, one remained a pharaoh as long as he lived. And thus, Joseph was a pharaoh as long as he lived.
And from that same verse, we also see that the only thing which separated them was the "original" Pharaoh's throne. In like manner, in God having given to the Son all authority, just as Pharaoh did to Joseph, He left nothing out which was not given over to Him. Likewise again, as long as Joseph was alive, he was a pharaoh. And we understand that the Son shall never die again. And if He shall never die again, then He shall in indefinitely remain the expressed image of God's essence. And as to the Son's throne remaining forever and ever and ever, we have to but look in Revelation to see that the water of life PROCEEDS from both God's throne and the Son's throne in the new Kingdom.
P.S. I may not, just as those of Scripture, quote directly the book, chapter, and verse of what is presently being talked about, and see no harm in others when they choose to, but, as was once my signature: do not take my word for it, but go and search the Scriptures yourself. I can set here and present every man-made indicated verse of Scripture to someone and still be told I am twisting the meanings. It is like a catch 22, dang if I do, dang if I don't. What then are we left with? So, again, I say to all: go and search yourself. Do not take my word for it.
I've mentioned several scriptures like Luke 22:42 , Hebrews 5:7, 8; 9:24 , Mark 13:32..I'm showing you from the bible why i am saying what i am saying.
I, likewise, am showing others from the Bible.
Luke 22:42 : the Son, the One in the flesh, said this to His FATHER. But, never did the Word cease to being God, seeing that it was the Word who IS our CREATOR. There are many majestic titles for the Word and the title of Son is but of one of many. Just as Isaac was obedient to Abram, in that he was willing to lay down his life because his father had desired it so, Jesus was obedient to His Father. It would seem that this verse is the sentiments of Isaac, just as it was for the Son.
Hebrews 5:7-9: Yes, the Word took upon Himself flesh, and by such doings, became the Son. And this man we know learned the required obedience of the Law by ALL the things He underwent. And it was by this obedience to God's will, as it was to be in the Garden, that He, being the perfect second Adam, became the cause (author) of everlasting salvation for all those who OBEY Him. What a wonderful thing that God would come down from above and become like us so that He, by experience, would know our infirmities, and could be a true and faithful High Priest. Again, the Word never ceased being God, but as the Son, He perfectly kept the Law.
Hebrews 9:24 Yes, the Word became the Son who was sent to be our Messiah and as that Messiah, after having underwent those things He did so that He could become our High Priest, stands before God as such for us.
Mark 13:32 So said the Son. But, in Revelation, we know Jesus as the Alpha and the Omega, the same title used of God the Father. We also see that He is the One who searches the reins and hearts, again, an attribute only belong to God the Father. From other Scriptures, we also see that He is worshiped by angels, something which only belongs to God. So, we see that the Son, the man we saw, knew not, but surely, in having returned to His estate next to God the Father, He is God and is all-knowledgeable.
If what you say is true , say that Jesus became flesh (human) who left hes estate and while in that flesh he was human just like you and i, then why after he died did he still show that the father was head over than him in 1 Corinthians 11:3 (note that this was after he got resurrected) "But I want YOU to know that the head of every man is the Christ;+ in turn the head of a woman is the man;+ in turn the head of the Christ is God.+" ??
The Word became flesh, but I understand what you mean. As the Messenger of the Lord, the Word fulfills the desires (will) of the One we call Father of the Godhead. As such, the Word was sent out to accomplish that will and when all things have been subjected to Him, then all things will be returned to the One who sent Him. We understand the Word became the Son and was made for a little while lower than the angels for the sake of fulfilling that mission, and we also understand that when the Word went back to Heaven, He received this eternal Godly throne back as the incarnated Messiah. But, as to Jesus having been under the Father, that was temporarily true, but as the Word, we understand that though the Spirit and the Son operates in different administrations apart from God, that there is but ONE GOD who works all in all. (1Co 12:6) Indeed, the head of Christ is God, seeing that God is the One who sent the Word to fulfill that mission of being the Christ. If we would but look again in Revelation, we see that both thrones are in the new Kingdom and that both are worshiped, of which, only God is worshiped.
Scripturally, then, Jehovah isGod Almighty, and Jesusis his Son. The two of them were not equal before Jesus came to the earth or during his earthly life; nor did Jesus become equal to his Father after being resurrected to heaven.
It is true that Jah is God Almighty and that Jesus, the man, is the Son. But, it is also true that the Word is God our Creator. To say that the Word and God was not equal before He came in the flesh is to say that the Word does not hold up ALL THINGS BY HIS OWN POWER, that He is not the One who spoke all things into existence, that He is not the King of kings and LORD of lords.
To say that Jesus, the incarnated Word, did not become equal to His Father after being resurrected to Heaven is to say that the Father did not give His throne back to Him, that when the Father sent Him out on a mission it was really coup, that all things, and nothing having been excluded, which was handed over to Him to take care of as the Christ was nothing more than a mirror trick on the Father's side, in that He did not give all things to Him or that He will take all things back from Him, even His title of Creator, the Christ, the Son, the Word, etc.....Either the Word is God and shall always remain God or we have many Gods. P.S. I am not saying that you are implying any of what I just said, but that it can only be concluded from such.