Let me just take this time to try to explain the three rules of punctuated logic and what scripture has to say about these three rules.
Rule one is the non commutation rule. Something that is non-commutative is directionally confined or fixed. This rule, as it applies to punctuated logic, describes the directional flow that logic takes from the invisible to the visible. Revelation moves uni-directionally. It begins in the mind of God and terminates in the world of man. Commutative interpretation of revelation on the other hand, operates according to human intelligence. Man's appraisal of material circumstances gives definition to what human experience has to say about the Word of God. We attempt to create a synthesis between what we know of our natural experiences and what the scripture says about these things. Frankly, this will never do. The problem is that our experiences do not tell us the truth about divine revelation. If we are to have a true understanding of reality, we must never start with anything in the temporal dimension whether it is the self, human intelligence, or situations. Because of the limitations of human intelligence, the threshold of the eternal cannot be breeched from the temporal side. Consequently, we must rely upon God to reach beyond the eternal horizon to project His will onto our consciousness. This he does through the revelation of scripture. Since we cannot know the mind of God by empirical observation of anything in the material world, we must seek exposure to the intelligence of God from beyond the eternal threshold. We can only know the thoughts of God when they are made known to us by God Himself. This He does through a system of representations in the form of a revealed grammar - the Bible.
In order for the revelation of God to impact the mind of man, it must be first be converted into a set of symbols on the temporal side. This is given form in at least two ways to communicate the will of God to the human mind. The linguistic form of eternal logic is scripture. The anthropomorphic form of eternal logic is Jesus in the flesh. Since the nature of scripture is non-commutative upon the human mind, we must start with the grammatical structure of the revelation if we are to have a true picture of reality. This means that we must bring the intelligence of man into a subordinate position to the will of God. Human conformity to this non commutative logic then shapes and transforms human psychology and behavior. This produces change in the way one thinks, speaks, and behaves. The Word of God allows ud to see things in our experience in ways that we could never have otherwise seen otherwise.
Rule two is the textual phenomena rule. The text of scripture presents itself as pan temporal phenomena. Scripture is not subject to temporal or cultural considerations. It is not confined to a specific historical or cultural frame of reference. Thus, we would say that scripture is generationally equidistant as well as equicultural. This being true, we must always allow the generalizations of the upon the human experience of all generations and cultures.
Rule three is the spanning rule. The scientific world would have us believe that reality is confined only to those things that lend themselves to empirical observation. Scripture, on the other hand, would invite us to see reality from quite a different perspective. To understand the nature of the relationship between the eternal and the temporal we must understand that reality is triadic in structure. There is the invisible and eternal side of reality represented by God, the visible side of reality represented in Jesus, and the indexical agent of the Holy Spirit who links the two parts of reality into a singularity.
What this model shows us is that reality begins in the eternal mind of God. The will of God is then imprinted onto the material reality in the person of Jesus and the Holy Spirit links the will of God to the observable, temporal side of reality and brings the causal to bear upon the visible. This brings things in the natural world into conformity with the abstract will of God. Man's part in reality will always is accidental to the will of God because God will bring about His will even without our participation or involvement. Man's only authorized position in this picture of reality is to stand in the index position and to link the eternal reality to his experiences on the material side.
This post includes all the comments in the last you made to me, so I will respond here.
Where did you get this theory? It is your own, right? A search brings up no hits outside the realm of mathematical logic in which I have a near doctorate.
Where have you published, and who has given you feedback? If we are going to discuss at this level, I'd like to know whether I need to respond to something that has been peer evaluated or not. The lack of internet hits suggests the model is certainly outside mainstream theology.
We have some lexical disagreements at the outset. God is love, and love is not logical. I'm sure this problem can be remedied easily enough.
For what you want, a directed lattice of vectors is a better option. That would allow us to determine if there are component parts to revelation and to determine commutivity of each part. Certainly, much revelation is top-down only. Some things are indeed commutative, as a matter of experience for many people. We need to get more specific, if we are to go this direction. If all revelation is non-commutative, the Jesus' being a man like us serves no purpose in aiding His intercession for us, for example. Revelation is interactive, otherwise there would be no personal calls into any ministry; everyone would have exactly the same call, and the choices would be determined by rules provided by Scripture. Certainly, the proposal denies the promise of "whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven"; that is interactive by its nature. More importantly, men decided what books go into Scripture, as proven by the historical record.
Your second statement that symbols are required for revelation is untrue in the general sense. Adam and Eve did not need a Bible. The statement must be modified to allow for how the contamination of sin now requires a Bible, if indeed it does.
That Scripture is not subject to cultural considerations is disagreed with by every major theologian in history. If the statement is true, Scripture translations would all be identical, and there would be no need for commentaries.
I already remarked that the triadic structure of reality is a Greek idea. By imposing the condition of 3 spanning vectors onto a directed lattice, you may be destroying the isomorphism with the revelation pattern in Scripture itself. Much more study is needed, as this idea has been barely looked at any time in history. Forcing a 3 spanning vector basis onto the lattice may in fact contradict your own three rules in some of the sub lattices.
The model is an invention of the (yours, apparently) human mind, so your statement that it shows us anything about the mind of God, is an inherent contradiction to your own insistence that revelation is non-commutative. Until the model is refined and checked against all Scripture, we cannot make such a statement.
I agree with the conclusion of the next three sentences: "
The will of God is then imprinted onto the material reality in the person of Jesus and the Holy Spirit links the will of God to the observable, temporal side of reality and brings the causal to bear upon the visible. This brings things in the natural world into conformity with the abstract will of God. Man's part in reality will always is accidental to the will of God because God will bring about His will even without our participation or involvement." but not because of your argument. I do not agree with the last statement, for the reasons I have given, and many other Scriptures. Adopted sons, priests and kings, do not have such a position.
Maybe we should offer to take this discussion out of here, as it is more about hermeneutics than about the OP?
NOt that it's especially important, but it would be nice to see your resume that has produced mathematical theology at this level.