Upfront (not that it matters), I am not gay.
That being said, I don't know how I feel about whether or not being gay and acting on it is a sin or not...but right now, I'm thinking that it's not. Again: I DON'T KNOW ECACTLY HOW I FEEL.
I know all of the verses that people use to point out that it is wrong and not how God created it.
BUT, I've also heard views on the other side of it. I also study a bit of ancient history in school and know that man-on-man action in the Bible wasn't what it is today. Then, it was talking about rape and that has never been ok. (I also don't have all the facts on this.)
I know Christians who are gay and are ok with God. They feel that it is not a sin (and I know they aren't justifying their sin by saying this--they've actually experienced God's comfort in who they are with this...meaning that they are gay).
So, I was wondering if anyone on here is gay and would like to share how they feel in their relationship with God on this.
Comments from straight people are welcome, too, of course.
I've just been incredibly curious and confused about this for a while.
I am a man who has struggled with same- sex attraction all of my life. It is all I have ever known.
I can tell you, that it is a spiritual sickness. It begins when you are born, through sins of your father. Demons (Which are real. It says so in the Bible.) work on your mind, soul and spirit pretty much full time, until you are averted. Molestation (Child rape) helps them achieve their ends immensely.
I cannot begrudge a homosexual man who says he is born that way, because I have felt that way sometimes, too. Like everything inside of me is crying out, screaming and clawing in me to love someone of the same sex.
But I know the truth. God's word is true. Perhaps I will fall tomorrow, it has been 15 years since I was involved with anyone, but the temptations are as horrifically strong then as they are now, if not even moreso.
I know that my spirit will never be reconciled to another man. My soul might be filled to the brim with burning lust, the likes of which no straight man can know, and even my heart can be on fire- but it is of the Devil.
Let me ask you, your feelings aside... What is right about an act God designed to be the epitome of closeness with another human being, being defiled in filth? Or two women being intimate, yet never being fully loved as God designed?
Do not be deceived. These people can swear up and down that they find fulfillment, but the truth is, their spirits are dying. They are wasting away on the inside. They can never know fulfillment so long as they are driven by obscene, intense lust.
As for me, right now, it is easy to say it would be good if I was never born, than to deal with this. It is so difficult not to rage at God for it. Yet He allows it... In so many young men and women, who will die with no hope.
All I know is that it is the most horrific thing I have ever endured, and I have been through a lot. To resist what I desire more than anything else. And yes, that is another problem, sometimes I want it more than God. Often times.
I beg God to take my life, whether physically so I do not have to endure another day, or spiritually, and deliver me from this.
Not to be mean, but how you "feel" about something is completely irrelevant. Unrepentant homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. Whether you feel comfortable with that, or not.