and Chrono Trigger....
I'm not super big into RPGs, but Chrono Trigger is my most favorite video game of all time, hands down. It was the sole reason I had to OWN a SNES, because renting one for the weekend just wouldn't get me through the game. I cried after Marle resurrected Crono. I have replayed it countless times (and yes, I've gotten all 13 original endings), and I never tire of it. My text message sound is Crono's sword strike (and nobody ever recognizes it).
Rabid fandom of Chrono Trigger aside...
I was a huge X-Men fan through high school and college.
I was a big anime and manga geek too; I worked Chicago's AnimeCentral convention for several years.
I'm a car nut. I've never owned a car without three pedals.
I've got a bit of a Trekkie streak, although my knowledge isn't super extensive. Wrath of Khan is best movie. (Not best Star Trek movie. Best movie. Period.)
It would be unfair to say I'm a music geek, since having two degrees in it takes it to whole other level. I'm a scholar. ^_^
I'm a kitchen nerd, and I have two sides: one that wants all the gadgets (sous vide machine! induction cooktop! CO2 cartridge foamer!) and the Alton Brown that says I only need a stockpot, a cast iron skillet, a nonstick fry pan, and some good knives.
And, as it has been well documented, I are a brony. I have been so dorky about it that some of my students caught on, and THEY became bronies, and then last year, they wouldn't stop bugging me until I arranged one of their favorite MLP:FiM songs for them to play as an ensemble. So, out there on YouTube is a version of Winter Wrap Up played by my students (and me), because we are huge brony geeks.
Geek level: eleventy billion and threeve.