I believe that if Mr. Trump loses by a big enough margin, He will definitely fade away into the night. As far as Dr. Fauci. most Americans still trust in him.
The entire economy of the United States has been trashed because of his advice.
Sorry, but people die everyday from many causes besides coronavirus. I understand that the lockdown was necessary to prevent overwhelming of the hospitals and to get all necessary supplies. OK, plenty of respirators now, lots of masks, gowns, bottles of sanitizer, and treatment protocols in place. It is time to open America once again, no masks, no social distancing and everyone's job, regardless of the type is now an essential worker.
The government mantra is "Save a life, destroy a family'.
It will take this country years to recover if ever.
The real tragedy is starting to play out in homelessness, hopelessness, domestic violence, alcoholism and deteriorating health because of lack of proper medical care, suicides, etc.
Seems that if you don't have corona then you probably are not going to be treated. For each corona death there are hundreds of other deaths attributed to other causes. You don't hear about that in the lame-stream media.
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