I think the scientific papers written by the immunologist and virologist, medical organizations, university studies, science journals, CDC, FDA, results of safety testing, history of vaccines studies done since the 80s to answer the antivaxxer movement false accusations and all those involved in the actual vaccines in question are a the better source material than people in chat rooms including myself. I say get and education. For some that might mean community college courses to learn what they failed to learn in High School. Learning how to find credible sources. It's never too late to learn.
I think avoiding entertainment helps to get a grip on reality. I have not watched any TV in years. I do not watch movies. As a result I have been astounded at how much time people spend entertaining themselves with mindless, unrealistic entertainment and then discuss things from that same perspective of a reality adapted by fantasy TV.
Likewise, used to waste my time mindlessly watching movies. Definitely used to be a movie fanatic, worldly movies at that, not to say that so-called Christian movies are any better. Yet, at the same time, I've learned that the media is one of the conduits that satan uses in order to push his antichrist worldly doctrine. Not to say that all media is bad. There are better alternative sources than the mainstream. Also don't just watch anybody. These are actual Doctors and professionals with PhDs that know what's going on and realized the deception of Big Pharma and payed off professionals. Again, there are huge payoffs for those that perpetuate a lie. What do those have to gain by exposing big money? NADA!

What did the disciples gain for exposing the lies of the religious elite? Nothing, except persecution and death. Not saying that I'm asking for it, or any of us are just going out on a limb just to be a martyr, but we realize there's something wrong. If you or anybody else can prove that vaccines are 100% reliable, including knowing the long term effects? I would like to be proven wrong and wake up from this nightmare, but biblically it's gonna get more exciting.
Also not saying that education is bad, just depends on the mindset/perception that it came from. Unfortunately mainstream science is under control of the evolution mindset. It's in all public schools (elementary, junior high, high-school, and college). It's also an assumption that we have to go to a specific college just to gain knowledge. There are great resources online to self educate. Some of the greatest minds were self taught... Instead of going through a specific set of curriculums that are controlled by who? Unless we are able to go to a Bible believing Christian college that provides the alternative. Also expensive too, unless we can get grants or financial aide. There's also another deception. College also proves nothing, because a good majority just try to get by in order to receive that paper. Yes, it's great to have it and in turn allows us to have credibility, but it's mainly used to boast of having it and expecting high pay. Worked at a gym and was literally looked down upon by a physical therapist, yet, he didn't really know how to workout. Takes experience, instead of head knowledge, which we barely retain unless we practice.
Experts that have an alternative view from the mainstream worldly mindset don't have access to the government funds. Maybe some do, but majority don't. So all we can go by is sifting through the mass information and weigh the facts, while exercising common sense. YouTube has also been a way for these experts to share their information as well. Not just some guy in a white lab coat. That's just a generalization to dismiss credible resources. We can also go back in history and see that there was already decline in viruses before a vaccine was already rolled out. Did you know that doctors were going from one surgery to the next while they still had blood on their hands? So the guideline about washing blood or to not touch blood in the Word is just to set Israel apart? It's a universal concept. Likewise with everything else.
Just hope for the best! Again, keep us posted. Hope it cures this disease that has less than a 1% mortality rate and about a 95-99% survivability. Prayers!