This is pretty much exactly my situation.
I was NEVER anti vax until the Covid “vaccine”.
I looked at those who were as a little cooky.
But now I am utterly convinced just about all of them are bad for you.
This documentary from yrs ago was eye opening and disturbing:
I was NEVER anti vax until the Covid “vaccine”.
I looked at those who were as a little cooky.
But now I am utterly convinced just about all of them are bad for you.
This documentary from yrs ago was eye opening and disturbing:
In contrast, many veterinarians are now saying we do not and should not vax our pets every year. I don't other than rabies because we live in an area where rabies would not be unexpected. They are now suggesting 'titer' tests, which detects the antibodies in the blood...in fact people can have the same test.
Thankfully, our vet is not one of those who demand you pump every vax available into your dog every year.
Some people will take every vax that comes out and in the end, it is detrimental to you immune system.
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