the INFO warriors will never agree to martial law.
stories out of south and notrh carolina about what they are doing, refusing to fly rescue missions without " proper orders". , even a video of a black helicopter doing a wind storm on a supply station in the carolinas .
we do not trust you.
All my empathy and prayers remain with all the VICTIMS of the DIABOLIC DS STORM and ACTIONS/INACTIONS!!!
but it would seem that 'YOU' are OFF-MESSAGE from the CURRENT NARRATIVE coming from AJ and INFO WARS...
I had a unique opportunity (road-trip) to watch this 3.5 Hour Emergency Broadcast from AJ on INFO WARS...
It would appear that he has a much more UNIFYING and POSITIVE MESSAGE than you are translating...
Maybe things (CONTEXT) are being LOST in translation with your OPINION and INTERPRETATION as it relates to Martial Law...
AJ's CURRENT MESSAGING THEME (try to LISTEN with a CLEAR MIND to acknowledge that the SITUATION TODAY is DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT than whatever you believed they WERE BEFORE - ie try to suspend your stubborn pre-opinions/beliefs):
- Given that Info Wars has only a month before they get BOUGHT OUT by the DS - AJ is very welcoming to receive FINANCIAL SUPPORT from all types of PATRIOTIC AMERICANS (he does NOT discriminate as you infer - at least NOT anymore)...
- "We are WINNING!" - When he says "WE" it is an acknowledgement of the COLLECTIVE GOOD GUYS!!! hmmm, which begs the question assumption that SOME form or fashion of COORDINATED FORCES are DEFEATING the DS... Acknowledging that the DS CONTROLLED SYSTEM was IMPENITRABLE via NORMAL CONVENTIONAL MEANS and METHODS!!!
- He is 98% Certain that TRUMP will WIN the ELECTION!!
- His rationalization is that the DS RECOGNIZES that ALL EYES are ON THEM and that they acknowledge that LITERALLY EVERYTHING they have tried over the past 4 YEARS has backfired... AJ PROJECTS that the DS is very likely going to REWIND... ie and NOT attempt to FORCE their Hand - REALIZING that the WORLD is AWAKE...
- He says the DS is Fractured and may have some of these Fractured Units begin to operate independently... BUT that they will NOT likely PUSH for a CIVIL WAR (meaning their will be NO NEED for MARTIAL LAW - context matters) ...
- AJ assumes that the DS will lay low - for a while - to achieve their Global Reset via an ALTERNATIVE PLAN... ie projecting that they may consider going into hiding while setting up IRAN for a NUCLEAR WAR in which the DS would hope to rise from the ashes of their DUMBs...
- IMHO, By conceding that the DS WILL NOT PLAY their CIVIL WAR MOVE and anticipated MARTIAL LAW MOVE is a CONCESSION that the DS KNOWS that the have LOST CONTROL with an ACKNOWLWDGEMENT that the WHITE HATS are in fact WINNING...
If the DS genuinely believed that they still controlled the MILITARY than NOTHING would stop them from attempting the Martial Law Move - but they know that they CAN'T pull this MOVE off at this point - because WHEN they LOST the Battle of the NARRATIVE during the GREAT AWAKENING they conceded they inherently LOST CONTROL of the MILITARY and all the PATRIOTS...
I understand that you have No Military Experience and as a result limited understanding of both the complexities associated with the varied roles, responsibilities, missions and orders of the Military as well as the varying types of WARFARE...
I am also aware that the entire White Hat (17th Letter of Alphabet) concept (denial) can be very triggering as another CIA designed derangement syndrome topic...
as it is evident that even in the midst of WARFARE between GOOD & EVIL - if you were in the military, right about now you would very likely have set yourself up to be the center of attention for a 'Blanket Party'... Which is basically a military style intervention to help folks who are NOT being good TEAM players and having a NEGATIVE IMPACT upon the Team COHESION and UNITY of EFFORT - often with detrimental consequences or risks to the mission, or rest of the force...
PLEASE TAKE the TIME to watch and listen to GEN Flynn's interview below - for a BETTER UNDERSTANDING of the TYPES, SCALE and SCOPE of WAREFARE that are HIS SPECIALTY as a White Hat...

to include his understanding and support in the aftermath of Helene!!!
Red Alert: Biden Denying Weather Weapons Existence Blows Up in His Face! (Video)
Saturday, October 12, 2024 1:31
Biden’s attempt to deny weather weapons’ existence blows up In his face as interviews with american presidents confirming their existence and use emerge.
General Flynn: Deep State Is Exposed & GRAVE Warning About 2024 Election! (Video)
Saturday, October 12, 2024 1:45
Generla Flynn is back and he is issuing a grave warning exposing the Deep State & the 2024 election!