"Your logical fallacy is called straw man."
Please, do me this one favor and I will admit you are right.
Put down the google search Athiest, Liberal, secular humanism DNC playbook on " How to formulate an argument on Christian Chat "
and never again say"Your logical fallacy is called a straw man." such a lie to me again ok
and I will say you are right and I am wrong.
Please, do me this one favor and I will admit you are right.
Put down the google search Athiest, Liberal, secular humanism DNC playbook on " How to formulate an argument on Christian Chat "
and never again say"Your logical fallacy is called a straw man." such a lie to me again ok
and I will say you are right and I am wrong.
I said I feel like Republican policies take America backwards. I didn't say they are wimps so yeah that was a strawman