Unbelievers are RIGHT to be repulsed by us! We have done nothing but blasphemed God by living wicked lives with selfish and self-serving behaviors and attitudes disguised as a religious "piety." We ought to be ASHAMED!!!
I would suggest you not get Roman Catholic confused with Christian.
Roman Catholics are typically baptized when they are babies. They do not make the choice to follow Christ. They are initiated into the faith before they can freely choose to become Catholic. (Typically) And they are sprinkled, not baptized by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ. But in the name of the Trinity.
Further, the RCC tradition is entirely pagan. And blasphemes everything God ordained was against his laws. Idol worship, Necromancy, (praying to the dead asking for their intercession on one's behalf), as well as parts of the dead "saints" as decreed by the RCC election and those parts referred to as "relics", containing holy power, so the RCC claims. Calling those priests, many who are pedophiles still and remain hidden by the church, "father", when Jesus commanded we call no man father but our Father in Heaven. Teaching RCC congregants that regardless of their seeking absolution from a man for their sins, a church appointed intermediary between the believer and Christ, that when that RCC member dies they still have a fictional suffering place of flames called Purgatory to look forward to. There they will be "cleansed" in order to enter Heaven. This then disregards everything Christ did on the cross.
And in closing, but not all that can be said is wrong with the RCC and therein should not make a Christian upset that the RCC make all Christians look bad when RCC is Roman Catholic, not Christian, is that the Council of Trent in effect renounced everything Jesus stood for, everything faith means, and everything the Bible is, in decreeing the five Solas ( “Sola Scriptura” (Scripture Alone); “Sola Gratia” (Grace Alone); “Sola Fide” (Faith Alone); “Solus Christus” (Christ Alone); and “Soli Deo Gloria” (To God Alone Be Glory), are Anathema, (an ecclesiastical
curse). So as to insure the Church was what was to be trusted and believed in solely in order to be right before God.
Get some sleep Christian!

Let God deal with the church of that which is adverse to scripture in his own time. Those pervert priests brought to the public attention and those still hidden in the dark and committing their offenses shall not escape God's justice in this life. It is a matter of time.
One priest that was in the news years ago and was sentenced to life in prison served but a short time. The prison officials decided to house him with a person who was sentenced to life without parole. A murderer.
In a short time the man strangled the priest to death. When questioned the offender stated simply, he did it for the kids. Something he told the priest before he killed him.
A man with nothing to lose was the cell mate of a pedophile priest.