One thing at a time, lets start here. From day one as a Christian, I was warned against admiring the beauty of the girls in school, in our Bible study, at church - because that would be lust, and if you lust after a woman, you go to hell, you're guilty of sin.
Oh, okay, I'm supposed to gouge out my eyes cause they're causing me to sin. I'm a coward, i didn't have the courage to ask someone to rip my eyes out.
Oh, okay, I'm supposed to gouge out my eyes cause they're causing me to sin. I'm a coward, i didn't have the courage to ask someone to rip my eyes out.
Of course, we are warned even more strongly against lusting after our own gender. So it's hopeless. I don't know how people get married. But if they do get married, then suddenly it's okay to get naked and do all the things you had been warned would send you to hell. I don't see how I could even enjoy such activity after being warned all my life that that would send me straight to hell.
I've been told that dating is wrong, I've been told that kissing before marriage is wrong..
Everything is wrong, wrong, wrong. So if this is what it means to be a Christian, I can understand why some people turn away from it. It's just a bunch of rules - even though we are told we are to live by faith, not the law, the law is abolished. I'm not so sure about it. Us Christians seem to be very good at making rules for ourselves and others. So if the Christian life is just a bunch of do's and don't's (mostly don't's), what really makes us any different than the Pharisees of Jesus' time?
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