hmm ok
but christianity isnt about being damned its about believing in Jesus, Nobody can MAKE you believe.
so I dont get that. No christian goes around thinking that people who dont go to church or practice religion is damned. We are not God to make that judgment call.
The bible doesnt need to be defended, its just Gods word and can speak for itself.
'doing devotions' isnt the same as 'being devoted' (with your heart, mind and soul)
Dont be so hard on yourself or worry about things so much. You are still worrying about people condemning you. Well dont. God loves you just stating a fact, much more than you know. He loved us while we were still sinners, He loved ME when I was a sinner.
Hello Lanolin - Again

Hope you had lovely holidays and that a happy new year is ahead of you.
Sorry but I do not agree with any of what you just said. But that doesn't mean that it cannot be your own truth.
Just that to me - the bible is rubbish. I never could defend it in good conscious - even though I tried, and tried and tried.
And even though it is about believing in jesus - it is very much about damnation - or why else are Christians always condemning the world around them?
Because they are better, and filled with the spirit and they are the only enlightened ones. It is quite presumptuous. Even if science proves you wrong you will just say "satan made that science and it is his way of deceiving you." if someone reads the bible and asks hard questions "they cannot understand because the Holy Spirit isn't in them". It's a bunch of bologna.
Maybe the questioners see something beyond the subculture of "Christianity" to which you are now embedded.
BUT - like I said - I am not completely opposed. I just keep repeating, there isn't ONE truth. There is all these cultures who have sought the divine and wisdom - and each have particles - and so does Christianity I am sure - Jesus life was an example to everyone.
But just as he died- in his love and wonderful devotion to god his father, and the people around him, a true server and clearly a worker of supernatural things - his followers came up with religions not unlike the Jewish faith. Immediately women were belittled again, and rules and stuff was being set in place - Paul is a prime example of a misogynistic person who is just power hungry and clearly helping to build a cult or new religion. Jesus was enlightened - and his followers missed him so much they wanted to keep his words alive - so many other cultures did the same.
If you can clearly tell me a bible which was inspired by god - who said he is a father to us - would let his raped daughters either be stoned by law or be forced to marry their rapists - that is just Sick beyond belief - and I for one, will not subscribe to it. That such a god who certainly created women and should know the depths of a woman's feeling about such an occurrence. If you truly wanted to help a woman from being raped how about writing something like "If a man rapes a woman cut is dick off and make him choke on it" and then see how many would attempt it? Instead you let the dude marry the girl? So basically if you are sicko you can just rape a pretty girl because then she is forced to marry you? I am sorry but based on that alone I can tell this text was not written or inspired by god.
Perhaps some things were - but it is not inflatable. Also if it is a literature written by God why do I never actually wanna say it's my favorite book? Literally I preferred hunger games to it - and hunger games is a terrible read. (and all you people pretending to LOVE the bible - I would really like to know how many actually truly studied and read through the thing.)

Thanks for the many replies - over the years - I wish you well.