Hey Everyone,
I happened to catch parts of a music video from a young, popular popstar, and as could be expected, the "storyline" revolved around this young lady dressing as provocatively as possible and then catching the attention of every male who walked by.
This brought to mind something I (and probably many others) have often thought about.
Why did God make it so that our hormones are so hyperactive when we're young, thereby also less experienced in life and more prone to making impulsive decisions -- instead of putting them on a bit of a time delay, maybe "springing to life" more actively when we're older, possibly more mature, and hopefully able to make better decisions?
I can't tell you the number of times I've heard Christians say they got married (and were later divorced) because they were attracted to the person at the time and wanted sex. And of course, every person who is told a million and one times that it's better to marry than to burn with passion -- but getting married is obviously no guarantee, as we then learn about all the resulting marriages that have broken up and/or are struggling with pornography and infidelity (online and/or in real life.)
I have often thought, "Wouldn't it be better if we were able to make decisions about whom we marry under more rational thought, and then have our hormones activate later on down the road, either right after we've been married or several years after we've already built a strong, loving marriage with someone that's based on everything else except just sex?"
But it just doesn't seem to be that way, and that gets pretty discouraging.
I don't mean this to be any kind of absolute question with any absolute answers. It's more of a thinking exercise and discussion than anything that can be truly answered in this life. I've often wondered what it would have been like if Adam and Eve would have never sinned -- I'm assuming they would have stayed married -- and would have been satisfied to be married to only one another, literally, forever. But since the fall, the Bible now says that in heaven, people will no longer marry or be given in marriage.
I don't know (and I don't think anyone really knows) what true extent the fall of humankind had on human hormones, biological function, and sexual interest. And I'm certainly not trying to say that older people don't struggle with the influence of hormones and sexual feelings, either. I just read a recent devotional in which a pastor was surprised to learn that men in their 70's (in the men's group he led) confessed to still wrestle with lust.
All I'm saying is that I wonder why God didn't choose to delay some of our struggles to a point in life where we just might be at a place of making more mature decisions.
And I don't think there are any true absolute answers to these questions either way, at least not until we're in heaven and can ask God about these things ourselves (and at that point, I'm sure it won't even matter.)
But yet, I still ponder such things.
And I'm sure others do as well
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What are your thoughts on the matter?