Why are women expected to be the gatekeepers of virginity:
Okay, as many people said on here, both men and women need to be. I don't know where you're getting off implying that women are the ONLY ones that need to be, but whatever, if that's the way you feel, and I'll be happy to provide an answer.
If you take the time to listen to most normal Christian men, we do our part to remain pure until marriage. I understand that there are Christian women that do the same, but there are those females out there that are told it's all about them, and it's coming from secular sources. What are these secular sources? Simple, they're women's studies in schools. There's also many sections of the entertainment industry, pop culture, sports, and advertisement for sexual products. All of this heavily encourages women to do whatever they want with no consequences.
Working in a doctors office, I couldn't even tell you the number of single mothers out there that have multiple kids with multiple partners. This isn't to say that a lot of men are innocent in all this because they're just as guilty of doing what I'm about to say, but it's typically women as of late that have multiple partners. And when they do have a guy around, they're not the biological father of those children. The actual dads of those children are long gone, and that one guy ends up being more of a glorified babysitter and source of income rather than an actual father figure, while those mothers do what they want. A lot of times, those guys don't even know they're being cheated on. Isn't always the case because there are circumstances that are rare, such as a father/husband passing away or if who ever it was decided to raise a hand, shall we say, against a woman. That's understandable for a man to step in and help both the mother and children out, but, again, it's rare. But typically, it's just some poor Joe being taken advantaged of so that the mother of the children bears hardly any responsibility for those kids.
Then the subject of sex itself comes up and how it plays into a relationship. Again, a disclaimer, there are men that are NOT innocent in all this, just so we're clear. Trying to stay on topic is all. Anyway, most normal guys, especially Christian men, would like a woman who had not been with multiple partners. They don't want to be with women who are currently talking to other men as well. I don't want a woman who's body count is in the double or even triple digits. Forget that. And I would imagine that there are women out there that think the same way with the men they're interested in. However, society seems to give a pass for women for doing this. I'll point to again women studies, entertainment, and advertisement. They even encourage it while saying it's not okay for men to do so, unless if it's the Chads (which I'll get into here in a bit). Adultery is a sin for both sexes and no one is exempt from it. Period.
So last up, the topic of the Chads, and this name is a dog whistle to many women out there because they know who exactly what type of men these guys are (and this could be a long one). To sum up what these guys are, Chads are your bad boys, pretty boys, 9s, and 10s. These are the men that are promised to women by pop culture. In many ways, Chads are worshipped by many women. Seriously, if you pay attention to these women and how they treat these men, it's like a religion, with the Chads being their gods, while viewing themselves as goddesses. If any of these women get a hold of one of them, THEY NEVER GIVE THEM UP, EVEN AFETR A BREAK UP! I wish I was making this up, but it's the literal truth. Many men have gone through this and can confirm it has happened. Me included.
I dated a woman who had a man like this. I never met him, but according to her sister and the woman herself, he was a horrible man and was EXTREMELY bad to this woman. However, with every put down of the guy, it was ALWAYS followed up by a compliment. The put downs were only a feint to mask how she actually felt about him. The last time she and I dated, her ex-Chad passed away. She found out BY THE GUY'S WIFE, so basically, she was still in contact with him while he was alive. Even though I can't 100% confirm this, but she called off our relationship because of him. Around the time she ghosted me, there was a very close relative of hers birthday who had also passed away that same year. I thought she was going through a depression because of the relationship, but it turned out she was okay over that. However the passing of her Chad was around the time of the relative's birthday. Again, I can't confirm that was the reason for breakup, but given the timing and how much she praised this man, it wouldn't surprise me at all, and she had been through other men after this man. She had not maintained contact with them nor with me. Just that one guy. Pretty sad if you ask me.
Anyway, I found out later that they had bedroom fun on multiple occasions before they were engaged, and this guy had in fact forced himself onto her, but yet she stayed with him for a few years longer. To this day, she can't let this guy go. The fact she continues to compliment this man is proof of it. I'm friends with her sister, and to my knowledge she had not been with another man since after we had called it off. I know there are men who can't let go of certain women that are the equivalent of the Chad, but it seems more accepted for women to hold onto their past "loves" (more like lust) because we as a society have allowed it, when it creates more problems than it solves. If you want a good Christian man, then allow them to take you out on a date. You know who they are. But to many of you on here, that's not what you want. You rather go with the bad boys because you think you can change them to fulfill this fairy tale scenario you have and not someone who prefers living in reality.
As I said at the beginning, both men and women need to be gatekeepers of virginity until marriage. So women are not alone on this, but coming from both men AND women, especially those in the older generations, there are many females that don't get it because they're taught it's all about them rather than for the glory of God. It's not sexist to say that women of today NEED to be reminded of that because men are told this everyday. Yes, there are bad men, but women need to avoid them if they're looking for someone who's godly. This isn't a one way street, so don't treat as if you're the only ones being told this.
Okay, as many people said on here, both men and women need to be. I don't know where you're getting off implying that women are the ONLY ones that need to be, but whatever, if that's the way you feel, and I'll be happy to provide an answer.
If you take the time to listen to most normal Christian men, we do our part to remain pure until marriage. I understand that there are Christian women that do the same, but there are those females out there that are told it's all about them, and it's coming from secular sources. What are these secular sources? Simple, they're women's studies in schools. There's also many sections of the entertainment industry, pop culture, sports, and advertisement for sexual products. All of this heavily encourages women to do whatever they want with no consequences.
Working in a doctors office, I couldn't even tell you the number of single mothers out there that have multiple kids with multiple partners. This isn't to say that a lot of men are innocent in all this because they're just as guilty of doing what I'm about to say, but it's typically women as of late that have multiple partners. And when they do have a guy around, they're not the biological father of those children. The actual dads of those children are long gone, and that one guy ends up being more of a glorified babysitter and source of income rather than an actual father figure, while those mothers do what they want. A lot of times, those guys don't even know they're being cheated on. Isn't always the case because there are circumstances that are rare, such as a father/husband passing away or if who ever it was decided to raise a hand, shall we say, against a woman. That's understandable for a man to step in and help both the mother and children out, but, again, it's rare. But typically, it's just some poor Joe being taken advantaged of so that the mother of the children bears hardly any responsibility for those kids.
Then the subject of sex itself comes up and how it plays into a relationship. Again, a disclaimer, there are men that are NOT innocent in all this, just so we're clear. Trying to stay on topic is all. Anyway, most normal guys, especially Christian men, would like a woman who had not been with multiple partners. They don't want to be with women who are currently talking to other men as well. I don't want a woman who's body count is in the double or even triple digits. Forget that. And I would imagine that there are women out there that think the same way with the men they're interested in. However, society seems to give a pass for women for doing this. I'll point to again women studies, entertainment, and advertisement. They even encourage it while saying it's not okay for men to do so, unless if it's the Chads (which I'll get into here in a bit). Adultery is a sin for both sexes and no one is exempt from it. Period.
So last up, the topic of the Chads, and this name is a dog whistle to many women out there because they know who exactly what type of men these guys are (and this could be a long one). To sum up what these guys are, Chads are your bad boys, pretty boys, 9s, and 10s. These are the men that are promised to women by pop culture. In many ways, Chads are worshipped by many women. Seriously, if you pay attention to these women and how they treat these men, it's like a religion, with the Chads being their gods, while viewing themselves as goddesses. If any of these women get a hold of one of them, THEY NEVER GIVE THEM UP, EVEN AFETR A BREAK UP! I wish I was making this up, but it's the literal truth. Many men have gone through this and can confirm it has happened. Me included.
I dated a woman who had a man like this. I never met him, but according to her sister and the woman herself, he was a horrible man and was EXTREMELY bad to this woman. However, with every put down of the guy, it was ALWAYS followed up by a compliment. The put downs were only a feint to mask how she actually felt about him. The last time she and I dated, her ex-Chad passed away. She found out BY THE GUY'S WIFE, so basically, she was still in contact with him while he was alive. Even though I can't 100% confirm this, but she called off our relationship because of him. Around the time she ghosted me, there was a very close relative of hers birthday who had also passed away that same year. I thought she was going through a depression because of the relationship, but it turned out she was okay over that. However the passing of her Chad was around the time of the relative's birthday. Again, I can't confirm that was the reason for breakup, but given the timing and how much she praised this man, it wouldn't surprise me at all, and she had been through other men after this man. She had not maintained contact with them nor with me. Just that one guy. Pretty sad if you ask me.
Anyway, I found out later that they had bedroom fun on multiple occasions before they were engaged, and this guy had in fact forced himself onto her, but yet she stayed with him for a few years longer. To this day, she can't let this guy go. The fact she continues to compliment this man is proof of it. I'm friends with her sister, and to my knowledge she had not been with another man since after we had called it off. I know there are men who can't let go of certain women that are the equivalent of the Chad, but it seems more accepted for women to hold onto their past "loves" (more like lust) because we as a society have allowed it, when it creates more problems than it solves. If you want a good Christian man, then allow them to take you out on a date. You know who they are. But to many of you on here, that's not what you want. You rather go with the bad boys because you think you can change them to fulfill this fairy tale scenario you have and not someone who prefers living in reality.
As I said at the beginning, both men and women need to be gatekeepers of virginity until marriage. So women are not alone on this, but coming from both men AND women, especially those in the older generations, there are many females that don't get it because they're taught it's all about them rather than for the glory of God. It's not sexist to say that women of today NEED to be reminded of that because men are told this everyday. Yes, there are bad men, but women need to avoid them if they're looking for someone who's godly. This isn't a one way street, so don't treat as if you're the only ones being told this.
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