i have read two books about really rich white men who go on trekking journeys in the himalayas. Maybe its just copying Edmund Hillary I dunno, who said he climbed mt Everest just cos its there.
Anyway, they both come across a poor mountain village where the children dont go to school because its just to hard to get a school built there, and nobody knows how to read etc. So they promise to return with lots of money to buy books, materials to build schools etc. But at first they only give english language books and the villagers want material in their own language.
So then they decide to get publishers to print books in their own langauge. These people already live in tiny houses, actually mud huts with only one room. and not just for one person, its for a whole family of six or more.
But they have no schools and no libraries.
so its not that anyone needs a bigger house, really. Or a smaller one. what people really want is education and the chance to go to school and learn, and to be able to read.
If you dont know how to read life will be very tough and chances are you will end up in a huge house with a tiny room...its called jail.