Hey Everyone!
Here in the Singles Forum, We:
Growing up in a very Lutheran surrounding, church potlucks were a regular staple of my childhood.
Now of course, the rule of any potluck is that you need to bring a dish or dessert to pass!! And so:
* What kinds of memories -- good or bad -- do the following pictures bring up of your own experiences with potlucks? (Or does your church/country have a different tradition other than potlucks?)
* If you didn't grow up in church, what kinds of fellowship activities does your church hold/do you wish they would have?
* What would you bring to our Forum Potluck -- a casserole, crockpot concoction, or dastardly dessert? It can be homemade, store-bought (hey, everyone is busy these days and not everyone likes/knows how to cook.) Are there any special dishes you are known for?
* What regular rotation of dishes did you look forward to most at your own church's potlucks? (Sister Martha's famous apple pie, Brother Bartholomew's "secret recipe" bbq sandwiches, Pastor Peter's Corny Casserole, etc.)
* And if you don't happen to be cuisine-i-a-cally gifted (I feel your pain!) what other things would you contribute? Plastic cutlery, cups and plates, napkins, POP (NOT soda -- Northern Respect!) juice, squirt guns. Er... I mean... I seem to remember some of my summer church potlucks involving squirt guns and water balloons...
*What kinds of games and entertainment would you most enjoy? (Why does a dunk tank suddenly come to mind...)

My church actually did have a dunk tank one year -- and I just remember people lining up in droves when the pastor took his turn as the victim, lol.
Let the fun -- and the dunking -- begin!!!
Everybody -- spouses, families, neighbors and all -- are welcome to the Singles Forum Church Potluck!
Tell us what YOU would enjoy most, and what you would bring to share.
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