It's not easy, but keep up hope. sometimes that little thing is all we need. one of my friends, about 2 months ago, shared that she has been a month without porn, and it is possible, it is hard, it feels impossible, but it is possible.
I am doing a month, and have allowed myself to do this,(christianchat, because often I would get on for this, and get distracted.) because God is helping me to be stronger. it is a thing of momentum, after a week, its a desire, after a month, now, it is a faint pull, and it takes concious desire for the dopamine to fall.
and it might even be better if you did not get as deep as I did. I was in it every night for about 3 years. I hear that sometimes I wake in the night saying, no,no,no. it is so ingrained, that I
need the porn. the longer I spent away the better it got. and now....
I feel so much better. I am still careful, because, to quote
@Subhumanoidal, porn addicts can fall back to porn even years after breaking free. it will always be an issue, I think, but If I start now, I believe I can break the habit.