Winter days like these, it would be nice to move. We get arctic air flow from the north sometimes, making the windchill go extreme. Tonight it's dipping down to -41 C (-42 F). The worst that I have ever experienced it was -50 C, that day I called in to work saying I won't be coming since I had to take the bus back then. I didn't care if I got in trouble, it gets dangerous.
Yeah, I lived about 8 hours north of where I do now. But we had the water which kept us from getting too cold. -16 C was about the worst I had to deal with. We got lots of snow, though, so it was fun. I miss that weather a lot. Down here we get like 2 inches and then it melts and gets everything muddy and then a week later we get another 2 inches and then it melts and so the cycle continues
Coldest weather ever been in, and, by the way, I thought, we would be in the mid to low teens tonight but it's 7pm and it's only 25 degrees F in Seattle so i'm guessing that those of Colarabi, like mizcris and oncefell can boast of a higher temperature on what will probably be one of our coldest days all winter.
The coldest weather I've ever been in was -30 degrees in a little miny soda town just south of the canyadayadayada border by 50 miles, I can say I was within 1 hour speeeding distance of what's often the coldest place in the usa in winters , International Falls, that is, and ,where my grandma lived, Great Falls, Montana
But, yeah, in minnesota ; it was so coooooold.
HOw cold was it, green?
It was so cold that my snot was literally freezing inside my nostrils and it hurt to breath in the air it was so cold.
So, I can just about relate to Arwenbaggins ARkenstone's coldness there in her B.C. country. which is, incidentally only 5-6 hours north of Seattle but what a difference, eh, three hundred miles makes
I thought you guys, lightnin' and arwenbaggins both lived in B.C. , are my green brains wrong.
8 hours north of where you live now, lightnin' , where were you living 8 hours north of B.C., Juneau?
So, arwen, if lightnin' lives in B.C. then you must be living in much colde country. Another province it sounds like ? Saskatchewan is a pretty tall province, you could be living way up north in the top of that place